
The she-wolf came to Luxembourg for the first time since 2017

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Jason Hawke 🇨🇦, Unsplash

Jason Hawke 🇨🇦, Unsplash

In December 2024, two sheep fell victim to a predator in a pasture in the Dahl region. Genetic analysis at the Senckenberg Institute in Germany confirmed that the attacking animal was a wolf from the Central European population.

Analysis details

Species affiliation

A wolf of the Central European population whose range covers Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.


Female wolf GW3691f, born in the Netherlands (Zuidwest-Veluwe pack), was first identified genetically in October 2023.


This is the first sighting of a female wolf in Luxembourg since the species' return in 2017.

The agricultural producer who has suffered losses will be compensated in full.

Also on 21 January 2025 at 19:30 at the Dahl, there will be a lecture on "Human-Wolf Coexistence: Realism or Utopia?" by Dr Laurent Schley. The event is free and open to all.

Wolves play an important role in ecosystems by regulating the number of ungulates. Luxembourg has developed a wolf management action plan that defines the rules for coexistence between humans and predators. Basic recommendations when encountering a wolf:

  • Do not run away or approach the animal.
  • Make yourself visible: speak loudly, wave your arms.
  • If the wolf continues to approach, retreat slowly, maintaining a respectful distance.

A brochure with full instructions is available online at www.emwelt.lu and in hard copy through the Nature Conservancy Administration (+352 247-56652).

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We took photos from these sources: Jason Hawke 🇨🇦, Unsplash