
Food and restaurants

Enjoy the food of the Grand Duchy in our Luxtoday Restaurant selections. Reviews, addresses, different cuisines, foods and places to explore in Luxembourg at your fingertips.

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Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Cheap restaurants in Luxembourg

Luxembourg boasts a high standard of living accompanied by high prices. While this may not pose a problem for those with well-paying jobs, for students or anyone else on a tighter budget, dining out can quickly become a costly affair. That's why we're here to lend a hand, presenting several cheap restaurants in Luxembourg where you can enjoy a meal without breaking the bank.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

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Best sushi restaurants in Luxembourg

To guide your Japanese culinary cravings and help you easily pinpoint the perfect spot, we've curated a guide featuring the best sushi restaurants in Luxembourg's capital and a few hidden gems just beyond its borders. Indulge in the ultimate sushi experience in the heart of Luxembourg!

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Best restaurants in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, a hidden gem in the heart of Europe, boasts a culinary scene that's truly exceptional. In this article, we'll explore the crème de la crème of dining establishments, including prestigious Michelin-starred restaurants renowned for their world-class cuisine and ambiance.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Best сoffee in Luxembourg: coffee places and shops nearby

In this article, we embark on a journey through Luxembourg's coffee scene, exploring some of the best coffee spots and delving into the world of vegan-friendly places for those with dietary preferences, as well as provide tips on where to find the finest coffee beans to brew at home.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Best bars and pubs in Luxembourg

In this article, we take a journey through Luxembourg's vibrant bar scene. We'll explore some of the best drinking spots. We also have some tips on where to find the finest spirits and cocktails to enjoy on holidays or weekends.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants


Vegan and vegetarian restaurants, shops and cafes in Luxembourg

Explore the refined landscape of Luxembourg's plant-based dining and retail establishments for vegans and vegetarians.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants


Food trucks in Luxembourg: pizza, burgers, national gastronomy

Discover the diverse world of food trucks in Luxembourg. From gourmet burgers to authentic ethnic dishes, explore the best mobile culinary experiences the Grand Duchy has to offer.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Best rooftops and terraces in Luxembourg

Discover the best places to dine on the rooftops and terraces of Luxembourg.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

RestoDays in Luxembourg: restaurants participating in 2023, dates and prices

The festival of generosity, allowing gastronomy lovers to try the best restaurants and not leave a fortune behind, usually takes place several times a year.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants


Indian Restaurants in Luxembourg

This article is your curated guide to the top Indian dining experiences in Luxembourg, from the aromatic biryanis of the north to the spicy curries of the south.