
Political faces of Luxembourg

Luxembourg boasts a stable and inclusive political system characterized by a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy, ensuring both royal continuity and effective governance.



Luc Frieden
  • Prime Minister
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Xavier Bettel. Source:
Xavier Bettel
  • Vice Prime Minister
  • Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Foreign Trade and the Greater Region
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Martine Hansen
  • Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture
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Claude Meisch. Source:
Claude Meisch
  • Minister of Education, Children and Youth
  • Minister of Housing and Regional Planning
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Lex Delles. Source:
Lex Delles
  • Minister of the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism
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Yuriko Backes. Source:
Yuriko Backes
  • Defense Minister
  • Minister of Gender Equality and Diversity
  • Minister of Mobility and Public Works
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Max Hahn. Source:
Max Hahn
  • Minister of Family, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception
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Gilles Roth
  • Minister of Finances
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Martine Deprez
  • Minister of Health and Social Security
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Léon Gloden
  • Minister of Internal Affairs
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Stéphanie Obertin
  • Minister of Digitalization
  • Minister of Research and Higher Education
Georges Mischo
  • Minister of Sport
  • Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy
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Serge Wilmes
  • Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity
  • Minister of Public Service
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Elisabeth Margue
  • Minister of Justice
  • Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, Responsible for Media and Communications
  • Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, Responsible for Relations with Parliament
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Eric Thill
  • Minister of Culture
  • Minister Delegate for Tourism
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Political Figures

Lydie Polfer

Mayor of Luxembourg, lawyer, member of DP

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Paulette Lenert. Source:
Paulette Lenert

Ex-minister of Health

Ex-minister of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs

Ex-minister of Consumer Protection

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Jean Asselborn. Source:
Jean Asselborn

Ex-Minister of Foreign and European Affairs; Ex-Minister of Immigration and Asylum

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François Bausch. Source:
François Bausch

Ex-Deputy Prime Minister; Ex-Minister of Defence; Ex-Minister for Mobility and Public Works

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Marc Hansen. Source:
Marc Hansen

Ex-Minister for the Civil Service; Ex-Minister for Relations with Parliament; Ex-Minister Delegate for Digitalisation; Ex-Minister Delegate for Administrative Reform

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Claude Turmes. Source:
Claude Turmes

Ex-Minister for Energy; Ex-Minister for Spatial Planning

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Sam Tanson. Source:
Sam Tanson

Ex-Minister for Culture; Ex-Minister of Justice

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Taina Bofferding. Source:
Taina Bofferding

Ex-Minister for Home Affairs; Ex-Minister of Equality between Women and Men

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Henri Kox. Source:
Henri Kox

Ex-Minister for Housing; Ex-Minister of Internal Security

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Franz Fayot. Source:
Franz Fayot

Ex-Minister for Energy, Ex-Minister for Spatial Planning

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Claude Haagen. Source:
Claude Haagen

Ex-Minister of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development; Ex-Minister of Social Security

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Georges Engel. Source:
Georges Engel

Ex-Minister of Sport; Ex-Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy

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Joëlle Welfring. Source:
Joëlle Welfring

Ex-Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development

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Carole Hartmann

Secretary General DP

Colette Flesch

Former Mayor and City Council Member

Claude Lamberty

Member of Parliament, Councillor, Vice president of the DP

Myriam Feyder

Treasurer of the Democratic Party

Djuna Bernard. Source: The Greens Website
Djuna Bernard

Leader of the Greens Party, deputy

Meris Šehović. Source: The Greens Website
Meris Šehović

Leader of the Greens Party

Marc Goergen. Source: Pirate Party Website
Marc Goergen

Coordinator of the Pirate Party, municipal councilor of Pétange.

Sven Clement. Source: Pirate Party Website
Sven Clement

Former president of the Pirates, co-fouder, parliamentarian

Rebecca Lau. Source: Pirate Party Website
Rebecca Lau

Head of the Pirates' communications

Starsky Flor. Source: Pirate Party Website
Starsky Flor

A member of the Pirate Party,  co-spokesperson

Gilles Mertz. Source: Pirate Party Website
Gilles Mertz

Treasurer of the Pirate Party

Mandy Arendt

First woman to lead Colmar-Berg as Mayor

Morgan Engel

Coordinator of the Pirate Party in the South

Raymond Remakel

Prominent member of the Pirate Party in the North

Francine Closener

One of the LSAP's Presidents, member of Parliament

Dan Biancalana

One of the Presidents of LSAP, president of Socialist Youth in Dudelange, mayor of Dudelange

Tina Koch

Vice president of the LSAP party

Tom Jungen

Secretary-General of the LSAP party

Sacha Pulli. General Treasurer of the LSAP party
Sacha Pulli

General Treasurer of the LSAP party

David Viaggi

Member of LSAP, president of the Gemengeforum

Gary Diderich

Former municipal councillor in Differdange, co-spokesman of the Déi Lénk party

Carole Thoma

Co-spokesperson of déi Lénk, member of the OGBL trade union and the Chamber of Employees

Nathalie Oberweis

Member of the Chamber of Deputies

Myriam Cecchetti

Municipal councillor for Déi Lénk, member of the Chamber of Deputies

Founder and leader of the Liberty Party
Roy Reding

Founder and leader of the Liberty Party

Marc Ruppert

President and co-founder of the Focus Party

Frank Engel

National chairman of the Fokus party

Françoise Kirsch

Vice President of the Fokus party

Anne Lecuit

Vice President of the Fokus party in Schifflange

Anne Winter

President of the Fokus party in the Northern constituency

Eric Derume

President of the Fokus party in the Southern constituency

Cedric Bellwald

President of the Fokus party in the Central constituency

Jaques Linster

Treasurer of the Fokus Party

Ervin Zaljević

Deputy Secretary General of the Fokus Party

Claus Nehring

Deputy Secretary General of the Fokus Party

Gary Kneip

Secretary General of the Fokus Party

Photo from ADR website
Fred Keup

President of ADR

Photo from ADR website
Dan Hardy

Vice-President in the ADR party

Photo from ADR website
Pierrette Koehler

Vice-President of the ADR party

Photo from the ADR website
Alexandra Schoos

Vice-President of the ADR party

Photo from the ADR website
Tom Weidig

Vice-President of the ADR party

Alex Penning

Secretary-General of the ADR party

Detlef Xhonneux

Treasurer of ADR

Gast Giberyen

Honorary President of the ADR party

Roby Mehlen
Roby Mehlen

Honorary President of the ADR party

Photot from CSV website
Claude Wiseler

Leader of The Christian Social People's Party (CSV)

Photo from CSV website
Christophe Hansen

Secretary General for the Christian Social People's Party (CSV)

Maurice Bauer. Source:
Maurice Bauer

Secretary general of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, President CSV Limpertsberg

Laurent Mosar. Source:
Laurent Mosar

Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Barrister

Photo from CSV website
Isabel Wiseler-Santos Lima

Deputy of the European Parliament from the CSV party

Venanzo Bartocci

Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg

Alain Herman

Vice president of KPL, member of SEW/OGBL committee

Wilhelm Haas

Prominent member of KPL party in Luxembourg

Ali Ruckert

Chairman of the KPL

Carole Bestgen

Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg

Pascal Ciuca

Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg

Mars Eusani

Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg.

Aurélie Dap. Source: Volt Luxembourg website
Aurélie Dap

Co-president of the Volt party

Michel Conter, source: Volt Luxembourg website
Michel Conter

Co-president of the Volt party

Photo from Volt Luxembourg party's website
Philippe Schannes

Vice-President of Volt Luxembourg

Photo from Volt Luxembourg party's website
Daniel Silva

General Secretary of the Volt party in Luxembourg

Photo from Volt Luxembourg party's website
Samuel Moïse

Treasurer of the Volt party in Luxembourg

Joe Thein

Founder of The Conservative Party

Roy Holzem
Roy Holzem

First-time candidate from The Conservative Party

Carmen Rubino

South consistuency party member and election candidate from the Conservatives

Theo Koch

Party member and prominent election candidate from the Conservatives

В материале использованы изображения: CSV official website,, Copyright: SIP / Yves Kortum,, Copyright: Max Hein/ CSV,, Copyright: DP,, Copyright: CSV/ Max Hein,, ©CSV/ Max Hein, democratic party flickr page, DP official website, Green Party official website, Pirate Party official website, LSAP official website, Left Party official website, Liberty Party official website, Fokus Party official website, ADR official website, KPL official page, Volt official website, Conservative party official website, Facebook