
Elisabeth Margue

In this article, we delve into Elisabeth Margue's captivating biography, explore her notable achievements, examine her political views and support, and offer insights into her personal life.





Active since


Main focus

Christian Social People's Party (CSV)Center-right PoliticsAffordable Housing AdvocateSustainable Mobility

Elisabeth Margue, born in 1990, is a Luxembourgish politician affiliated with the Christian Social People's Party (CSV). Following her secondary education, she pursued law studies at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne and earned an LLM degree in Corporate and Commercial Law from the London School of Economics in 2015.  

Embarking on a dual career path, she joined the prominent law firm Arendt & Medernach and, in October 2022, assumed the role of a deputy in the Chamber of Deputies while maintaining her practice as a lawyer. Having served as the Vice-President of the CSV from 2019 to 2021, Elisabeth Margue ascended to Co-President in March 2022.

Her recent breakthrough came in November 2023 when she was appointed Minister of Justice and Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, overseeing Media, Communications, and Relations with Parliament. This marked a pinnacle in her political journey, complementing her dedication to legal advocacy.


Elisabeth Margue, born on April 7, 1990, in Luxembourg City, embarked on her academic journey by completing her secondary education at the Lycée de garçons de Luxembourg in 2009. Subsequently, she pursued a law degree at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, earning a bachelor’s degree in Private Law in 2012. Her academic pursuit continued with a Master I in General Private Law at the same university, followed by a Master II in Industrial Property at Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. Culminating her educational endeavors, she achieved a distinguished LLM in Corporate and Commercial Law from the London School of Economics in 2015.

Post-graduation, Elisabeth joined the esteemed law firm Arendt & Medernach, where she practiced as a lawyer until November 2023. Specializing in litigation, she handled diverse cases, including road accidents, medical liability, and lease agreements. Notably, since entering the political arena in 2022, she strategically avoided handling "politically charged" cases, such as urban planning, to mitigate potential conflicts of interest. 


Elisabeth Margue, while having nurtured a passion for politics from an early age, particularly through her engagement with the CSV and CSJ, is relatively new to the local and national political arenas. Her foray into local politics began in 2017, and though six years provide ample time for accomplishments, many of her contributions are intertwined with broader programs involving multiple stakeholders.

Despite the challenge of measuring these contributions, two focal points of Elisabeth Margue's advocacy are housing and mobility, both critical issues exacerbated in the capital. She advocates for affordable housing, particularly for young families in Luxembourg City, and has criticized certain measures implemented by the Ministry of the Interior in this regard.

Her dedication extends to advocating for sustainable mobility, centered on pedestrians and cyclists. Striking a delicate balance, she acknowledges the need for practical solutions without impeding city accessibility. Aware of the challenges faced by commerce in the capital, she aims for solutions that not only promote smooth mobility but also benefit local businesses.

In the national sphere, Elisabeth Margue, despite her relatively brief one-year tenure, has actively participated in various areas and committees, showcasing her commitment to diverse policy domains. She has contributed as a member of the Housing Committee, Home Affairs and Gender Equality Committee, Credentials Committee, Justice Committee, Digitalization, Media and Communications Committee, and Culture Committee.

While it may be premature to speak of grand achievements in her national role, Elisabeth Margue's multifaceted engagement and focus on crucial issues underscore her commitment to effecting positive change, both locally and nationally.

Professional activities and relationships

Despite young age, Elisabeth Margue already has decent political life with several achievements in it.

Political life

Involvement with the CSV

From a remarkably young age, Elisabeth Margue demonstrated a keen interest in politics, joining the CSV in 2007. Nearly a decade later, in February 2016, she assumed the role of President of the Jeunesse chrétienne-sociale (CSJ), holding the position until December 2018. Progressing in party leadership, she became the vice president in 2019, serving until 2021. In a significant stride in March 2022, Elisabeth Margue advanced to Co-President, solidifying her influence within the CSV.

Municipal politics

Parallel to her CSV engagement, Elisabeth Margue entered local politics in December 2017 by becoming a member of the municipal council of the City of Luxembourg.

Chamber of Deputies

The political landscape witnessed Elisabeth Margue's ascent in 2022 when, following Viviane Reding's resignation as a deputy, she seized the opportunity to succeed her in the Chamber of Deputies. This marked her entrance into national politics, propelling her career forward.

Government Roles

The pinnacle of Elisabeth Margue's political journey occurred after the legislative elections on October 8, 2023. On November 17, 2023, she assumed the roles of Minister of Justice, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for Media and Communications, and Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for Relations with Parliament in the coalition government led by Frieden-Bettel. This appointment underscored her political acumen and growing influence on the national stage.

Political views and support

Elisabeth Margue's political journey traces back to a profound experience at Auschwitz at the age of 17, prompting her commitment to the CSJ, the youth branch of the CSV. However, her decision was undoubtedly influenced by a politically engaged family background.

Her steadfast commitment to the CSV underscores her alignment with its values and ideals. Positioned in the center-right of the political spectrum, the CSV espouses a social Christian orientation, basing its social policies on the principles of solidarity, freedom, peace, equity, family, and subsidiarity. Importantly, the party, while guided by Christian values, emphasizes its non-confessional nature.

CSV advocates for a social market economy, wherein state intervention ensures fair competition, good working conditions, social welfare, family well-being, and low unemployment rates, all while maintaining robust economic growth. Culturally, socially, and morally, the CSV is generally perceived as conservative.

Elisabeth Margue's rising popularity is evident in electoral support. Starting with 16,805 votes in the 2013 legislative elections, her trajectory continued upward, reaching 18,010 votes in 2018, positioning her as the first reserve deputy. Finally, in 2022, she secured a parliamentary seat. The trend persisted in 2023, where she garnered 23,164 votes and ascended to the role of minister. This consistent increase in both voter support and political prominence reflects Elisabeth Margue's resonance within Luxembourg's political landscape.

Luc Frieden
Prime Minister
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Martine Deprez
Minister of Health and Social Security
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Criticism of the politician

In the realm of politics, criticism is commonplace, and in 2021, Elisabeth Margue found herself entangled in a courtroom drama known as the "Frëndeskreess" case. However, it's crucial to note that she was not directly accused but became an unwitting collateral effect in the legal proceedings against the then-president of the CSV, Frank Engel.

During a tumultuous meeting on March 16, 2021, the parliamentary faction of the CSV exerted pressure on Margue and Weydert to sign a denunciation against Frank Engel to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

At the core of the trial was an employment contract between Frank Engel and the ASBL CSV Frëndeskrees, the association managing the CSV's real estate. The unanimous board decision was to entrust the president with three tasks: execute a real estate transaction for a new party headquarters, attract new donors, and transform the ASBL into a foundation, objectives he ultimately failed to achieve.

The accusation contended that the contract served as a facade to funnel €40,000 to Engel. Complicating matters, Elisabeth Margue was the party's vice president at the time, raising suspicions of her involvement, along with Stéphanie Weydert, in an alleged orchestrated operation to transfer the funds to Frank Engel.

In his defense, Frank Engel asserted that it was agreed that if his efforts failed, he would reimburse the received money. However, the swift legal proceedings did not allow him to resolve this matter.

Ultimately, on December 9 of the same year, the judges acquitted all the accused, including Elisabeth Margue. Frank Engel, Félix Eischen, former treasurer André Martins, and the four other defendants were exonerated. Margue asserted that the entire affair resulted from miscommunication, expressing no resentment towards Gilles Roth and Martine Hansen, who had exposed her to legal risks.

This episode, although fraught with controversy, concluded with a legal vindication for Elisabeth Margue and the other parties involved.

Personal life

Elisabeth Margue's lineage weaves a rich tapestry in both the Luxembourgish corporate and political spheres. Her father, Pierre Margue, left a notable imprint on the corporate landscape, having worked at Banque de Luxembourg and Clearstream before joining the Management Committee of SES. Further extending into her genealogy, political ties strengthen, with her great-grandfather being the former CSV minister and deputy, Nicolas Margue. Her grand-uncle, Georges Margue, served as a CSV deputy and alderman in Luxembourg City, and her father's cousin is the current Déi Gréng deputy, Charles Margue.

On her mother's side, Marthe Thill, Elisabeth's mother, contributed to education as an English professor at the Lycée de Garçons. Beyond her familial connections, Elisabeth Margue's early interaction with Luc Frieden's family, where she babysat for the minister's children, marked the beginning of her political journey. Frieden himself encouraged her to run in the 2013 legislative elections.

Beyond her illustrious lineage and early political connections, Elisabeth Margue, in her private life, is a mother to a young daughter born on September 14, 2022.




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