
3000 followers in Telegram channel: Luxtoday company blog

Last time updated

Together we've passed the significant milestone of 3,000 readers in our Russian-language Telegram channel, but that's not our only achievement.

Over the last 3 months, our posts got over 500,000 views, with 308 publications created for you and a total of 3,506 likes.

Meanwhile, throughout the Russian-language channel's existence — the first publication went live on 12/21/2021 — 4,814 posts were published. They have attracted more than 36,000 reactions and 4,000,000 views.

Luxtoday is not just a Telegram channel, but also a website with a large number of useful articles in Russian and English. And alongside our Russian-speaking audience, the number of readers in English is also growing; we actively translate new and update previously published materials for them.

The English content is a major part of Luxtoday: over the last 3 months, we have produced 56 articles in the Knowledge Library for our English-speaking users. In many respects, Luxtoday has been shown on Google more than 1,000,000 times thanks to this.

Just like Russian-speaking users, English-speaking users come to looking for guidance and help. The statistics show that our readers have followed links 447,000 times in the last 90 days, by clicking on the most exciting and relevant updates on Luxtoday.

Still, we have no intention to stop at what we've accomplished. As we have already shared in a previous post, we have plenty of ideas for the end of summer and autumn. Currently, we are working on the modified navigation of the site, preparing new formats for the guides, and designing new services. All so that it would be more convenient to fulfill your goals using Luxtoday.

Yet all these achievements and improvements would not have been possible without our readers and followers. We thank you for your trust and interest and hope that together we will accomplish even more. In fact, you're the main inspiration for us!

Sign up for Luxtoday Telegram Channel and stick with us, there are lots of great things to come!

Last time updated

Authors: Daria