Family and education

How to get medical leave for a child

In this guide we'll look at how to get childcare allowance, what you need to get it and how to make sure you don't get fired.

Last time updated

Family leave for a child's illness can be taken by a parent if there are no other childcare options available.

Any parent who has any kind of employment can get parental leave. If only one parent is employed, only that parent is entitled to leave. If both parents are employed, both parents are entitled. The main condition is that both parents cannot take leave at the same time.

One or both parents may be:

Salaried employees

It is also completely irrelevant whether the child was born in wedlock or not. The rules apply to everyone equally, even adopted children.

Remember that you can only take leave if the child requires the physical presence of an adult and there is no substitute parent. The length of the leave depends on the age group.

There are only three age groups
Group 1Children under 4 years of age12 days of leave per child
Group 2Children aged 4-13 years18 days of leave per child
Group 3Hospitalised children between 13 and 18 years of age5 days of leave per hospitalised child

If a child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, certain conditions do not apply:

  • The length of permissible leave shall be doubled.
  • The mandatory hospitalisation requirement for ages 13-18 does not work.
  • The age limit of 18 does not work.

Leave can be extended if the child has:

  • Progressive cancer; OR
  • He requires hospitalisation for longer than 2 consecutive weeks.

Extensions are determined on a case-by-case basis, but may not exceed 52 weeks over a period of 104 weeks.

Parental leave can be broken down into many sections. It is not necessary to use it all at once. Moreover, absence from work for up to 4 hours is considered a half-day.

Family leave is granted upon presentation of a medical certificate. A person wishing to take such leave should contact his/her doctor to obtain the relevant document.

Employees are obliged to notify the employer on the first day of their absence from work. The duration of the child's illness does not matter. The notice can be given either verbally or in writing.

The certificate obtained from the doctor must also be submitted to two authorities:

The day after notification of absence
No later than three days from the date of issue of the certificate

The medical certificate must contain the following information:

  • Identification numbers (Matricule) of the parent and child.
  • Diagnosis (accident certificate, diagnostic results, etc.).
  • Confirmation of the need to be physically present with the child.
  • Duration of treatment.

Parents who use sick leave for their child are protected by law. However, it is important to know the conditions and rules for this protection.

Leave during the probationary period
Defence against dismissal
Protection of students
Sickness allowance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can take parental leave?

Can I and my spouse take leave at the same time?

Can I be fired during such leave?

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We took photos from these sources: Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

Authors: Alex
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