Security and law
Learn about the safety and legislation in Luxembourg with Luxtoday. Stay informed about crime rates, law enforcement, and personal safety tips for residents and visitors alike.
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6 materials
Fines in Luxembourg: how to avoid breaking a law in the Grand Duchy
If you have just arrived to live in Luxembourg or are passing through the country, it is always a good idea to be aware of actions that can result in a fine in Luxembourg. Things that may be permitted in other countries may not be in Luxembourg, so this article will help you avoid getting into trouble by reviewing the main causes of fines in the country.
Where to find a notable lawyer in Luxembourg
Almost everyone at some point has needed a lawyer or is likely to need one. Whether it is a dispute with a neighbor, a divorce or a more serious problem, it is always essential to consult a competent professional. We are sure that if you are here, it’s because you are wondering where to find a good lawyer in Luxembourg.
Re-employment in Luxembourg: priority for ex-employees, parents and more
In this article, we will explain who a company must prioritize in the recruitment process and who can claim this priority under Luxembourg law.
Labor law in Luxembourg
This article looks into all the angles of labor law in Luxembourg including contract types, minimum wage, leaves, terminations and more. It is an employee guide to navigate as great as possible within the Luxembourgish work life.
How safe is Luxembourg
In this article, we will go through all risks that can evoke during your stay in the country and will take a look at the safest neigborhoods in Luxembourg.
How to protect yourself from scammers in Luxembourg
This article is a mere tool to keep you informed about the sadly ever-evolving tactics scammers use to deceive people all around the world and in Luxembourg. Being aware of these methods can help you stay vigilant and protect yourself against potential scams.