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We all dream of a life of travel and adventure, and the Pottier family are among those who have made their dream a reality. How did they balance travel with work? What dangers awaited them on their travels? How does such a lifestyle affect family relationships? We talked to travellers about all this in our interview – read on to find out more!
The collaborative work of Lubaina Himid and Magda Stawarska is a large-scale exploration of women's lives and experiences through the prism of contemporary art. The artists reflect on collective memory, identity and female representation. Ahead of the exhibition opening, we spoke to the organisers about the work.
Dima Zicer is a teacher and writer, a blogger and author of a podcast. He'll be performing a stand-up show in Luxembourg on 7 and 8 March. Our editorial team got the chance to chat with him about how to build relationships with children before, during and after moving to another country.