Learn how Luxembourg, being a committed member of the European Union, shapes and determines the dynamics of Europe. Read informative articles that echo the country's voice in key events on the continent.
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27 materials
Luxembourg and Eurovision: the great break-up and even greater comeback
Luxembourg's relationship with the Eurovision Song Contest has its ups and downs: stunning successes, a long break, and then a triumphant return. After being away for decades, the Grand Duchy made a big comeback in 2024, keeping its spot as one of the contest's most successful countries. Read our article to learn more about what Luxembourg has planned.
Tech hubs in Europe: which city to choose if you are an engineer
The attractive sides of the main tech hubs in Europe and how to find the best fit for your next place to continue your growing career.
Luxembourg as a part of the European Union
Luxembourg’s connection to the European Union is broad and fascinating. If you’re curious about how the Grand Duchy contributes to one of the world’s most powerful political and economic unions, you’re in the right place.
Luxembourg vs. Italy for moving and living
Decisions, decisions, life is full of them, and if you’re here, it's likely because you’re weighing the pros and cons of living in Luxembourg or Italy. Which country offers a better option for moving?
Luxembourg vs. UK: two countries with high salaries and living standards
Today's contest: Luxembourg vs. the UK. Which country is better?Where are there more jobs? If you're thinking of living in either of these countries, you probably have questions. That's why we're here. This article compares Luxembourg and the UK to answer these questions.
Immigration to Luxembourg from Canada
Are you thinking about moving to Luxembourg from Canada? You might have questions about visas, the Canadian community, cost of living, and more. By the end, you'll know what to expect and how to make your transition to Luxembourg as smooth as possible.
Immigration to Luxembourg from the United Kingdom
Before Brexit, immigrating to Luxembourg from the United Kingdom was a breeze, no visas, no lengthy procedures, just a straightforward move to the heart of Europe. However, things have become more complex in the post-Brexit era. If you're considering relocating to the Grand Duchy, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns. But don't worry, this article is here to help you navigate your way.
Luxembourg vs. the USA for future expats
The article will help future expats to make a choice between living in the USA or Luxembourg. A comparison of population, quality of life, cost of living, job opportunities, minimum and average wages and tax systems.
Luxembourg vs. Netherlands: two best tax countries of Europe for expats
The article will help future expats to make a choice between the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Here you will find a comparison of population, quality and cost of life, work opportunities, average wages and tax systems.
Best countries for expats to move and easy relocation in 2025
If you are considering moving to another country for work or after retirement, this article about the best places all over the world will help you decide on the grounds.