Job and career

How to take an annual leave

We will tell you when you can go on vacation and how to act to stay within the legal framework of Luxembourg employment law.

Last time updated

Taking annual leave in Luxembourg is not difficult. The process involves following the standard procedures provided by the country's labor laws and the corporate code of a particular employer.

In Luxembourg, paid annual leave is an absolute right for all employees. If you have worked for the same employer for three months in a row, you can take 26 working days off. This rule applies to all employees without exception, regardless of their working hours (full-time or part-time) and type of contract (temporary or permanent).

26 days
normal period of leave in Luxembourg
3 months
the period during which you must work continuously for the same employer
Special conditions
  • Collective agreements or individual agreements between employers and employees may increase the length of annual leave.
  • Disabled war veterans, victims of industrial accidents and disabled employees are entitled to 6 working days' leave, but only if they have worked full time throughout the year.

To make sure you get the most out of your vacation, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Take it all at once or in parts
Do not count holidays as vacation days
Use all 26 days in a year
Assessing seasonality
Not to work
Consider the risks

It should be noted that the employer has the right to deny the employee leave in the first place. However, this is only permitted in the case of unscrupulous employees whose absences are unjustified and amount to 10% of the normal working hours for the previous part of the year.

Learn about the annual leave approval process and requirements of the organization you work for.

  1. Plan your annual leave dates in advance

    Consider your workload, seasonality (if applicable), and the workload of other employees when you take leave.

  2. Notify your employer of your plans

    Typically, companies ask all employees to fill out schedules with their planned vacation periods. And before you take leave on that schedule, you'll usually need to fill out a request or send an email to the human resources department, depending on the employer's established procedures.

  3. Be clear about the dates and number of working days you will be taking

    Note that in Luxembourg you can take your leave all at once (26 working days) or in parts, bearing in mind that a part is necessarily 2 calendar weeks.

  4. Discuss with your manager and other employees how the tasks will be distributed in your absence

    Delegate tasks. Prepare instructions and other resources to help those who will temporarily perform your duties.

  5. Wait for approval from your employer or human resources department

    An annual leave request must be approved by company officials.

Once the leave request is approved, you will receive a confirmation from your employer with the approved dates and any additional conditions or requirements related to your leave.

In some companies, employers set collective leave periods, but this is by mutual agreement with the majority of employees. And everyone must be notified of the collective leave period during the first quarter of the year.

During your annual vacation, your colleagues, partners, customers, and anyone else with whom you come in contact should be aware of your absence from the workplace. Tasks should not be left unfinished. Therefore, you need to perform a minimum set of workflow preparations during your vacation.

Activate notifications
Set up your email and phone to send out-of-office notifications during your vacation, including dates and alternate contacts if necessary.
Ensure a smooth process
If possible, complete any tasks that need to be finished before you leave, and brief colleagues who will be covering for you during your absence to ensure a smooth workflow.
Leave a contact for communication
In the event of a force majeure situation, your employer and colleagues may need your contact person for consultation.

It is important to note that employees are paid while on vacation. The salary is calculated according to the following principles:

  • For each day of vacation, a cash payment equal to the average daily wage for the three months immediately preceding the vacation is paid. If the salary is not fixed and varies significantly from month to month, e.g. depending on the turnover, the compensation for the vacation period is calculated on the basis of the average salary of the last 12 months.
  • The average daily salary is calculated as follows: monthly salary (including fringe benefits) divided by 173.

When calculating the amount of salary during the vacation period, the employer must take into account overtime and other compensation. In addition, the employer must keep a record of the vacation days taken and to be taken by each employee.

This information may be maintained by the company in one of two ways
In paper form
In an electronic format

If, for any reason, you return from leave on a different day than you had planned and the date you return to work differs from the approved leave period you originally requested, you must notify your employer.

When you return to work, verify any missed communications or events during your absence.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many annual leave days are there in Luxembourg

Is it possible to take an entire leave at once in Luxembourg

What happens if you do not take your paid annual leave in Luxembourg

Can an employee in Luxembourg be dismissed while on leave

What is the minimum annual leave in Luxembourg

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We took photos from these sources: Mr_literary_cat, Unsplash

Authors: Maria, Kadriia
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