
How to order and use LuxTrust in Luxembourg

Step-by-step guide on which LuxTrust certificate to choose, how to obtain it, and where it may be needed.

Last time updated

LuxTrust is a special digital certificate that helps you prove your identity. It works like a digital signature.

Why do you need LuxTrust?

It is most often used as the second step in two-factor authentication to confirm identity. Such measures help protect users from fraudsters. In addition, most websites in Luxembourg prefer to work with the LuxTrust security token rather than other applications.

You can use it to log in to:

  • your bank accountant (such as BGL BNP Paribas Web Banking, Banque de Luxembourg E-Banking, Fortuna e-Banking, ING, and others);
  • MyGuichet website
  • Post website 
  • Ville de Luxembourg
  • and others.

You can use your LuxTrust certificate on almost any Luxembourg web portal. For more information, check the official website.

For the convenience of different users, LuxTrust offers several ways to use your certificate. Depending on the purpose, you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

LuxTrust App

Different options of LuxTrust certificate work on different digital platforms. Use the official LuxTrust website to purchase the most convenient for your needs.

If you are a new user of LusTrust, you will need to go through several steps to start using your certificate.

Follow this easy steps
Follow these steps carefully
There is not much to check before ordering your LuxTrust.
*The mandatory items are marked with red asterisks.
Check your device
Make sure your LuxTrust device supports platforms of your need.
Select a way to get identified by LuxTrust;
You can do it face-to-face or online
Get a copy of your documents
IDcard or your resident permit
Follow these steps carefully
There is not much to check before ordering your LuxTrust.
*The mandatory items are marked with red asterisks.

In various cases, if you wish to use a certificate for business purposes, LuxTrust may ask you to provide additional documentation. This can only be done on request and LuxTrust will send you a list for your e-mail.

Almost every step of ordering your LuxTrust certificate can be done online. Except when you want to be identified face to face.

  1. Go to LuxTrust.com and choose the device you need.
  2. Fill the form to complete your order. Memorize the activation code of your choice — you will need it to activate your LuxTrust.
  3. Get identified by LusTrust: online or offline.
  4. Wait for the confirmation letter in your email and your device will be ready soon.

When you receive your LuxTrust certificate, the most important part is to activate it. You will need the activation code you prepared earlier.

Depending on the device you have chosen, there are different ways to activate LuxTrust. However, they are not very different from each other and in fact are not very complicated.

Activate mobile app
Activate your SmartCard
Activate your scan

If you have any problems with activation or you cannot find your activation code, do not hesitate to contact Customer Service Desk on (+352) 24 550 550.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is LuxTrust and why do I need it?

How can I obtain LuxTrust Certificate?

Where can I use LuxTrust to verify me identity?

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We took photos from these sources: Shahadat Rahman for Unsplash

Authors: Kadriia
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