How to get compensation for medical expenses in Luxembourg
This guide explains how to obtain medical compensation in Luxembourg, how long it takes and what types of insurance are available in the Grand Duchy.
Health care in Luxembourg is available to all citizens and working foreigners. Medical care can be free or reimbursed thanks to insurance. The public insurance system covers up to 90% of medical services.
Insurance is available to all working citizens and residents of Luxembourg. According to the law, the social security contribution is deducted from the salary. It is divided equally between the employer and the employee. The money is paid into the CNS — Caisse nationale de santé (National Health Fund) or Caisse de Maladie, which entitles the employee to medical care in the public health system.
There are specific conditions for receiving medical care for other categories of residents of the Grand Duchy:
- Self-employed persons and sole proprietors pay contributions independently. The amount of the contribution depends on the profession.
- Pensioners and people who are not working pay contributions from their benefits. In addition, if you plan to obtain a residence permit in Luxembourg, you must take out private health insurance before you arrive in the country.
- Family members (spouses, partners, relatives) may be covered jointly with the family member paying the premiums.
- Children up to the age of 29 can be co-insured with the parent who is the premium payer. From the age of 30, co-insurance is only possible with the approval of the CNS and if the person is in higher education.
Health care system in Luxembourg

Apart from this, there are other services that are also included in the list of health care policy:
- medical treatment;
- preventive care (contraception, vaccinations);
- basic dental care;
- vision and hearing aids (eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc.);
- paramedical services;
- transplants and prosthetics;
- homeopathy.

Drug reimbursement ranges from 40% to 100% depending on the drug.

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The state will only pay for treatment if the doctor is a member of the state scheme. All doctors authorized to practice in Luxembourg have signed a contract with the CNS. Typically, the physician will tell the patient the reimbursement rate. The CNS decides how much the patient pays for treatment and how much is reimbursed.

First, register with the CCSS Social Security Center to get your CNS card.
It contains all the information you need:
- 13-digit national identification number;
- Information about the insured person.
You must show your CNS card every time you go to the hospital, your doctor's office, or a pharmacy.
The reverse side (EHIC — European Health Insurance Card) provides health insurance coverage throughout Luxembourg, as well as in:

If you are employed under an employment contract, the card will be issued by your employer. The card must be issued within 8 days of the start date of the employment contract.
If you are a sole proprietor, you must register with CNS yourself.
Documents to get a CNS card:
- Proof of identity (passport, ID card and others);
- A document that verifies your home address (such as a utility bill or rental agreement);
- Proof of residency in Luxembourg (residence permit or identity card);
- Document confirming employment (contract).
Although public insurance is affordable, it does not cover 100% of costs. In some cases, you may need private insurance, which is arranged on an individual basis.
The terms and coverage of health care services provided by a private insurance company depend on the terms and conditions, which will be detailed in your contract.
One of the advantages of this additional insurance is that it covers unexpected expenses in the case of an emergency hospitalization or if, for example, you need to seek the help of a doctor in another country (outside the list covered by the national policy).
The following benefits may be covered under a private policy:
- hospitalization;
- ophthalmologist;
- dentist;
- medical services outside Luxembourg.
There are many different insurance companies in Luxembourg. There is also a so-called employer's insurance recommended by the Ministry of Social Security of the Grand Duchy — Mutualité des employeurs.

When you see a doctor or receive other medical care, you must pay for the services yourself. You will be reimbursed after all procedures have been completed.
The most important thing is to keep all receipts for counseling, treatment, or medication purchases.
To receive a refund, you must submit the following documents to CNS:
- Original receipts, invoices, or other payment documents showing proof of payment
- pour acquit le (for receipt), followed by the physician's or provider's signature and the date of payment; OR
- a stamp or signature from the financial institution stating payé, pour acquit, virement exécuté; OR
- A bank debit advice (avis de débit bancaire).
- Bank Account Number
This must be provided when you first contact CNS for a refund. Remember to attach a bank statement (relevé d'identité bancaire) from your bank.
- National identification number
The claim must include the name, address and 13-digit identification number of the insured person.
Please note that documents from foreign banks (e.g. bank statements) can only be accepted if they show the date of payment, account number and confirmation of payment.

Remember that you need original documents to receive compensation: screenshots, their printouts and copies are not accepted!
When all documents are completed, the originals must be sent to CNS.
CNS – Service Remboursements nationaux
- Address: 4 Rue Mercier, 2144 Gare Luxembourg
- Phone: (+352) 27-57-42-60
Refunds are usually made within three weeks: the money is transferred to your bank account and sent to you by mail.
You do not need to use a stamp to mail to CNS from Luxembourg. However, if you send it by registered mail, you will have to pay a fee.
If you have received medical treatment outside of Luxembourg, reimbursement will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This will only be done after CNS has received notification from the country where the medical treatment was provided.
Social assistance is available to the unemployed and low-income individuals. If a resident is uninsured, the Social Security Administration will cover the cost of disability, sickness, medical intervention, age-related illness or hospitalization. To receive benefits, you must contact the local social security office in your municipality.
You can receive this type of support either in person or remotely.

In this case, you must contact the local social services office in your community and request assistance. You will need to submit a paper application, which you can fill out there or send to an email address.

If you have limited mobility or personal circumstances, you can contact the office by phone. A staff member will schedule a special day for you to visit the office or come to your home to complete the application.
Applicants must provide all the documents needed to process their application. The Social Security Administration will tell you which ones.
Once you have filled out the application form, the department will process it, verify the information, and propose support measures. The results of this review, as well as the agency's decision, will be kept in your personal file.
Application processing time
The decision on the granting of social assistance is made within 25 working days from the date of submission of the application. The decision will be sent by registered mail or delivered personally in the form of a simple letter. In the latter case, the applicant must sign a receipt for the letter.
In urgent cases, a decision will be made immediately, depending on the applicant's situation. A social check may be done at a later date.
The Social Security Administration may require a refund if the recipient has funds that were not accounted for during the audit. Also, if the applicant's financial situation has improved over time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How you can get reimbursement for medical expenses in Luxembourg
The starting point is health insurance. A CNS policy covers an impressive list of benefits, including doctor visits, tests, prescription drugs and much more. In some cases, you may need private insurance, for example if you are traveling outside of Luxembourg.
You must first pay for all services yourself and then apply to the insurance company for reimbursement.
How much of an expense can be refunded
The decision is made by the insurance company itself. For the purchase of medicines, up to 100% of the cost can be reimbursed, in other cases the decision is made on an individual basis. Your doctor will usually inform you of the reimbursement rate.
What documents are required for reimbursement
The most important thing is to keep receipts and checks for all services. Remember that you need the originals: copies, screenshots or printouts will not work. You will also need your national identification number, the bank account to which the reimbursement will be sent, and your CNS card.
Source: cns.public.lu, www.ing.lu, guichet.public.lu, ccss.public.lu, www.pacificprime.com, www.insure.travel
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