Company news
Company news
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06 January, 09:00
Increased readership by 500%: 2024 results for Luxtoday and how we did it
And also one of the boldest uses of GenAI for next-generation media. We share the secrets of promotion, because we have nothing to hide from our readers.

24 September, 11:27
Luxembourg weather radar released: Luxtoday company blog
Can't decide whether to take an umbrella or not? We have launched a new weather service for every day, which will help you find out the forecast for today, tomorrow and a week ahead.

04 September, 01:14
Summer 2024 on Luxtoday: company blog
Learn about our summer updates, the latest innovations, and what the future holds for our users.

09 July, 11:07
German version and driving test launch: Luxtoday company blog
After the French version, our team is pleased to present the German version of the site.

27 June, 09:54
French version of website launched: Luxtoday company blog
This month the Luxtoday team held the long-awaited launch of the French version of the site for our audience who prefer to read content in that language.

25 June, 12:41
New online service for trainee drivers: Luxtoday company blog
Today we would like to tell you about our new service for those wishing to drive in the Grand Duchy: our team has created a practical and easy-to-understand driving theory demo test based on questions from the SNCA theory test.

19 June, 10:58
New tool for feedback: Luxtoday company blog
Today, we are pleased to introduce a long-awaited tool that will allow you to quickly and easily submit feedback and comments to our team.