

Unlock the business scenery in Luxembourg with Luxtoday. Get expert advice, tips, and resources for starting, managing, and growing your venture in the heart of Europe.

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Incorporating a business in Luxembourg for Emirates nationals: a complete guide for entrepreneurs

If there is anything more complicated than entrepreneurship, it is entrepreneurship abroad. If you have made it this far, it must be because you are from the United Arab Emirates and want to start a business in Luxembourg. To help you in this seemingly complicated task, we have created this article in which we review the subject in depth, looking at the statistics on Emirati investment in Luxembourg, the types of companies, the requirements for setting up a company and corporate taxation, among other important aspects.



Incorporating a business in Luxembourg for Saudi Arabians: a complete guide for entrepreneurs

Are you from Saudi Arabia and considering setting up in Luxembourg? You will probably have questions about the process but don't worry, we are here to help. In this guide, we will review the topic from top to bottom, from the statistics of Saudi investment in Luxembourg to the types of companies, the requirements for setting up a company and even corporate taxation.



Best country to start an online business as a digital nomad in 2025

Are you a digital nomad looking for a place to settle down? Look no further. In this article, we will show you some of the best countries for entrepreneurs following this lifestyle. In addition, we will take a look at the statistics and key points such as the advantages and disadvantages of this lifestyle, the requirements for working this way and the tax implications across different countries.



Best business opportunities in Luxembourg: a complete guide

Are you thinking of starting a business and considering the Grand Duchy as a possible option? Let us tell you that you are right to do so, Luxembourg is an excellent alternative. But you don't have to believe it just because we say so. In this article, we will review the factors that make this country a fertile ground for sowing the seeds of a business. We will explore the most attractive sectors in the country along with some interesting ideas, review the main legal structures, and look at the process for registering one of these.



Best countries to start a business as a foreigner in 2025: costs, laws and lifehacks

Many countries offer benefits and advantages to people who want to start a company. Some countries even have additional benefits for foreigners wanting to start a company. Here is a list of the top 10 best countries to start a company as a foreigner.



How to choose an accountant in Luxembourg

The services of an accountant are often indispensable or if not at least extremely useful, however, when you need one, a fundamental question arises: How to choose one? Well, in this guide we would like to help you find a way out of this confusion and give you clear guidelines so that you can choose the most suitable one for you.



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Costs of setting up a company in Luxembourg in 2025

Starting a company can be a more or less costly process depending on multiple variables such as its legal form, the need to use a notary or specialized advisors in addition to the costs associated with its operation such as the rental of facilities or the purchase of equipment, among others. If your entrepreneurial spirit is driving you to create a company in Luxembourg, you probably have many doubts and you are looking for a budget for your projects. With this guide we seek to help you in this task by analyzing this topic in detail.



How to start a company in Luxembourg in 2025

Creating a company may seem like a titanic task. Although the process involves some challenges, with good preparation and knowledge of the different necessary steps, it is not as complicated as it seems. In this article, we will then help you with this task by reviewing the different legal forms a company can take and the step-by-step process for setting up a company in Luxembourg. We will also briefly examine the tax implications and other details worth knowing.



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Opening a SARL in Luxembourg in 2025

The SARL is one of the most common forms of company in Luxembourg and is designed for small and medium-sized companies. In this structure, the shareholders' liability is limited to their capital contributions, which means that they are not liable with their assets for the company's debts. Keep reading to discover the main characteristics of this type of company, the tax implications involved and the procedure to create one.



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Starting a holding company in Luxembourg in 2025

Luxembourg offers an extremely favorable environment for holding companies, which is manifested in the constant increase in the number of holding companies in the country. Through this article we will then examine their characteristics, their main advantages, and the basic steps to create one, as well as other details of interest.