
Luxembourg's official bank holidays: Luxtoday company blog

Last time updated

National holidays are an important part of the life of Luxembourg and its people. Fireworks, parades, and concerts make the day more enjoyable, but holidays can also cause problems, such as blocked roads and closed museums and stores.

That's why it's better to plan your free time and travel in advance. Now it's easy — we've made a calendar of Luxembourg holidays for you. You will definitely become a master of planning. Now all the important information is on one page:

➤ dates;
➤ traditions;
➤ events;
➤ interesting facts.

We have covered all the details, even the floating dates of the three holidays (they are tied to Easter). We've also added a lot of useful links to our articles about how Luxembourg lives these days — check them out. You may have missed some details, even if you've been living in the Grand Duchy for a few years.

This new feature is already available on our website — come and try it out! And don't forget to share your thoughts with your friends and the Luxtoday team.

Last time updated

Authors: Kadriia