
Voice recognition app created for Luxembourgish

Last time updated
Voice recognition app created for Luxembourgish

Schreifmaschinn.lu, an application based on language data taken from Luxembourg’s media outlet, allows voice recognition and dictation in Luxembourgish. So the oral message can be turned into a written one, just by dictating it to the app.

Claude Meish, Minister of Education, launched the Schreifmaschinn.lu website last Friday, December 9. The new web application was developed by Zenter fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch (ZLS).

At the moment, with the help of Schreifmaschinn.lu, up to 30 seconds of speech can be decrypted at a time. The app’s open for testing. If want to turn a larger voice recording into text, please contact Zenter fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch (163, rue du Kiem in Strassen) at 247-88600 or send an email to lod@lod.lu.

Voice recognition is the foundation for other, even more interesting voice-related tech: voice-controlled devices, synthesis, captioning and real-time translation, chatbots, etc.

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