
CNS is delaying funding for medical laboratories. This may increase the time it takes to perform tests

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Ave Calvar, Unsplash

Ave Calvar, Unsplash

Health and Social Security Minister Martin Despres responded to an enquiry from MP Sven Clement about the progress of negotiations between the National Health Fund (CNS) and representatives of medical laboratories. The questions centred on the reasons for delays, the mediation procedure and the renegotiation of funding conditions.

The Minister reported that the minutes of the 9 October 2024 meeting were not sent to the Federation of Medical Laboratories (FLLAM) until 16 December. Formal acknowledgement of the failure of the negotiations occurred at the National Health Foundation board meeting on 11 December 2024, after which preparations for follow-up actions began.

By law, it is the CNS that initiates mediation in the absence of an agreement. In a letter dated 25 November 2024, the IGSS (General Inspectorate of Social Security) confirmed that the responsibility for negotiating and initiating mediation lies with the National Health Fund and not with private actors.

The National Health Trust uses a single approach for all health services, taking into account:

  • population growth,
  • volumes of medical services,
  • demographic and epidemiological changes.

It also analyses the financial situation of institutions and their costs. In accordance with the Social Security Code, health services must comply with the principles of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Despite an increase in laboratory activity from 2021 to 2023, the National Health Trust has adhered to strict conditions to contain costs against the backdrop of increasing volume of tests. However, the Minister emphasised that the revision of tariffs should not adversely affect the quality of patient care.

The Minister emphasised that the approach of the National Health Fund is based on providing quality health care and respecting the principles of social security. The situation with laboratories emphasises the complexity of negotiations between state structures and private service providers.

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We took photos from these sources: Ave Calvar, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr