"Life is one big journey – stay positive!" Luxembourg travel bloggers reveal their secrets to adventure & daily life

We all dream of a life of travel and adventure, and the Pottier family are among those who have made their dream a reality. How did they balance travel with work? What dangers awaited them on their travels? How does such a lifestyle affect family relationships? We talked to travellers about all this in our interview – read on to find out more!

— How did you meet?
— We met during a trip - my husband visited my birth city Minsk, Belarus.
— What is your profession? How old are you?
— To make it easy, I have three degrees: a medical degree, a psychology one and also a diploma in photography. As my medical studies are not recognized in Europe, I turned to photography as my everyday job. I am 38.
— What did you like and dislike about Luxembourg?
— I have been living in Luxembourg for 10 years now but I fell in love with this country literally at first sight, upon my first visit. Most of all, I like the small medieval streets. In general, I enjoy that Luxembourg is like a village but is a capital at the same time - a small cosy city.
— What do you miss the most while travelling?
— When we travel, we don't miss anything and rarely get bored. We try to absorb as much as possible: the culture of the country, and their local food… and because you know we will be back home soon you cannot miss anything.
— How do you choose the countries where you stay?
— Knowing that we will always be back in Luxembourg, we choose countries quite randomly. It can be based on a photo, a song, some dishes… Also getting older we love how connected to the world Luxembourg airport is.
— Do you have specific criteria like climate, cost of living, or visa requirements?
— The weather is definitely not a first criterion, and having EU passports, and visas are often a formality. We focus on what the country can give us - culturally and emotionally speaking.
— We cannot define our travel as long-term travel as we have jobs here in Luxembourg. One of our biggest challenges was to bring our parents to Japan after we visited it on our own: a difficult challenge as generations are not looking for the same kind of travel.
— What has been the biggest challenge of long-term travel as a family?
— We cannot define our travel as long-term travel as we have jobs here in Luxembourg. One of our biggest challenges was to bring our parents to Japan after we visited it on our own: a difficult challenge as generations are not looking for the same kind of travel.
— Which country or place feels like a second home to you, and why?
— We feel connected to the Balkans, our first trip together and the people are so welcoming and warm.
— How has your daily routine changed compared to life in Luxembourg?
— Everything changes as it is a holiday and not an everyday thing.
— How do you manage finances while travelling? Has your cost of living increased or decreased compared to Luxembourg?
— I have a financial husband who loves planning. I can tell you that everything is organized and counted, haha.
— What are the main sources of income that allow you to sustain this lifestyle?
— Our jobs in Luxembourg.
— How have your travels affected your family dynamic and personal relationships?
— I left my country and family 10 years ago to move to Luxembourg, my husband also moved to Luxembourg 15 years ago so we are quite distant from our families and our travels do not affect this dynamic so much.
— What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned from this journey?
— Whatever part of life is a journey! Just need to remain positive all the time!
— Do you see yourself returning to Luxembourg one day, or do you plan to settle somewhere else?
— We never left it forever - we are just travellers who live and work in Luxembourg.
— What aspects of Luxembourg stand out to you compared to other countries?
— Despite some changes in the last years, Luxembourg remains a safe country and a comfortable country to live in.
— What advice would you give to families who dream of travelling long-term but are afraid to take the first step?
— The first step is to try a first trip altogether - not a resort trip, a real deep trip, and you will understand whether you need comfort or not.
— Could you share a memorable adventure or experience that significantly changed how you see the world?
— One of our last trips was in Yunnan province, China. It changed our opinion about China. As a lot of EU people, we were sceptical about travelling in China but we fell in love with it, with how advanced they are, how easy and convenient every move was and how nature has been kept untouched even in a city of 15 million people.
— Have there been any situations during your travels where you were in danger?
— We do not know if it is luck or not but we avoided danger until now. We always remain cautious and do not try anything stupid.
— What myths about life on the road would you like to debunk?
— We do not live on the road, we just take the road for some journeys and are happy to be home afterwards.