Luxcargo Handling's 1,200 employees have been given a new labour contract

Alexander Mils, Unsplash
On 24 January 2025, the OGBL and LCGB unions signed the first collective agreement for Luxcargo Handling's 1,200 employees. This agreement consolidates the terms and conditions of employment of employees formerly employed by Luxair and protects them from deterioration of social guarantees.
From 1 May 2024, all employees who transfer from Luxair to Luxcargo Handling will receive an increase of 2 salary levels.
Luxcargo Handling is committed to not carrying out economic redundancies. In the event of redundancies, the company is obliged to agree a job retention plan (PME) with the trade unions.
All employee rights previously set out in Luxair's collective agreement remain unchanged.
The contract is effective retrospectively from the date of the employees' transfer to Luxcargo Handling and will remain in force until 30 April 2026.
In May 2023, Luxair announced that it would not bid for ground cargo services. This jeopardised 1,200 jobs at the CargoCenter.
Employees spent 7 months in uncertainty, fearing layoffs and worsening working conditions. On 29 September 2023, the unions organised a strike demanding guarantees for employees. After lengthy negotiations, a compromise agreement was reached to protect employees.
The signing of the collective agreement was a key step in protecting the labour rights of Luxcargo Handling employees. The document enshrined employment guarantees, wage increases and the preservation of social conditions, which was an important victory for employees and trade unions.