
Number of job seekers under 30 in Luxembourg grows

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Number of job seekers under 30 in Luxembourg grows

According to ADEM statistics, the number of applicants was 14,669 people as of October 31, 2022. This is 3.8% more than in September 2021. The increase concerns young workers under 30 years old first and foremost. However, in comparison with October 2021, you can see a decrease in the number of applicants by 748 people or 4.9%. This is due to the end of seasonal work and contracts.

An important detail is that the number of applicants registered in ADEM for more than 6 months is decreasing. Statistics show -8.6% for those registered from 7 to 11 months and -19.7% for those who are in the system for 12 months or more. This speaks of two phenomena: a large influx of new applicants who’ve recently come to Luxembourg, and an outflow of long-term users of the employment agency’s services.

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