
In 2024, 7,415 people will become Luxembourg citizens

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Гражданство Люксембурга

Cedric Letsch, Unsplash

In 2024, 7,415 people obtained Luxembourg citizenship through naturalisation, option and reinstatement procedures. Optation, or the choice of one nationality when there is a second, proved to be the most common way, allowing 6,108 people to become citizens. Under the restoration of citizenship procedure, the number was 194 people, while 1,113 people went through the naturalisation process.

The number of persons who have restored their nationality continues to decline due to the end of the application period under article 89 of the law of 8 March 2017. This article allowed descendants of Luxembourgers who had citizenship on 1 January 1900 to regain it if it had been lost in the past. The last applications under this ground must be completed before 31 December 2025.

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We took photos from these sources: Cedric Letsch, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr