
In Luxembourg schools, there will be a choice of first language

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In Luxembourg schools, there will be a choice of first language

The Ministry of Education reported on the results of the pilot project Zesumme wuessen — alphabétisation en français. The aim of the project was to allow children in the first cycle of education to choose their main language of instruction.

Four main schools took part in the pilot project: Differdange (Schoul Uewerkuer), Dudelange (Schoul Deich), Schifflange (Nelly Stein Schoul) and Larochette (Fielser Schoul). The parents of the students could choose which of the two languages — French or German — would be their child's main language.

For example, if French was chosen, it became the first written and spoken language. Spoken German began in the second cycle and written German in the first year of the third cycle. The system also worked the other way around if the first language was German.

It is important to clarify that the linguistic structure of education has not changed: students still learn all three state languages, just in a different order.

It should be noted that at the end of cycle four, students will be able to speak and write in French and German. In this case, they will be able to enter secondary education in Luxembourg in the seventh class of a classical or general secondary school or in a class of a European public school.

The pilot project was considered a success. Already in the school years 2026-2027, the first steps will be taken to implement the practice on a national level.

The authorities noted that all teachers involved in the pilot project are supported and guided by regional management and teachers from European schools. There are also special courses offered by the National Institute for Educational Training (IFEN) to help teachers adapt to the new system. There is also a network between the four schools involved in the pilot project so that teachers can communicate and share their experiences.

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Source: Gouvernement.lu

We took photos from these sources: school, desk, student, pupil, children.

Authors: Kadriia