Transport links between Germany and Luxembourg will improve

Фото: Simon Launay, Unsplash
The main reason for this is the promise made by the railroad workers of Germany. They declared that they would not strike for 2 years. This means that train cancellations will only occur for technical reasons.
After months of negotiations, the GDL union and the national railway company, Deutsche Bahn, reached a compromise. At issue was a reduction in working hours from 38 to 35 hours per week. Of course, wages were to be maintained in full. DB refused to accept these conditions for a long time until it finally did.
German railroad workers can now safely switch to a 35-hour work week with the same income. On the contrary, if they want to keep 38 hours or even increase it to 40, they will be entitled to extra pay. For its part, the union has vowed not to strike until February 2026.