
Demand for psychosocial care in families is increasing in Luxembourg

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Therapist in Luxembourg, ChatGPT

Kateryna Hliznitsova, Unsplash

From 2019 to 2024, Luxembourg is seeing an increase in demand for psychosocial support in families. According to the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the most demanded services are related to psychological and social support in the family environment, as well as psychotherapeutic counselling. Among them, the service "Forfait horaire pour l'assistance psychique, sociale ou éducative en famille" is the leader and has remained the most popular in recent years.

Psychotherapy counselling and early orthopedagogical support are also among the top five most demanded services in 2024. Demand for these services continues to grow, reflecting the need to support children's mental health and social adaptation.

In order to monitor the quality and compliance of services, the Ministry of Education carries out regular inspections in the assistance centres. Particular attention is paid to infrastructure and compliance with the standards set out in the national plan for children and families ("Rahmenplan der Kinder- und Familienhilfe"). The inspections include an assessment of the qualifications of the staff as well as the compliance of the number of staff with regulations.

In addition, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the programmes is conducted every six months, based on reports from service providers. These reports assess whether the goals set out in the individual assistance plans are being met and whether the current strategy for supporting families and children is effective.

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We took photos from these sources: Kateryna Hliznitsova, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr