
Filing patents in a new way: Luxembourg launches eFiling system

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Digital services in Luxembourg, Intrernet

Planet Volumes

The Office de la propriété intellectuelle (OPI) of the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy has announced the launch of the new eFiling platform, which replaces the eOLF in force from 13 March 2025, effective from 2021. The technical transformation will be completed by 12 May 2025, ensuring a smooth transition for users.

eFiling is integrated into the infrastructure of the Benelux Patent Platform (BPP), a large-scale patent project implemented jointly by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The platform covers the entire patent lifecycle, from filing to maintenance.

The new service has been developed by the European Patent Office (OEB) and is already in use or being implemented in the 18 member countries of the European Patent Convention (CBE). Luxembourg is now officially part of this network.

The eFiling system offers a number of key advantages over the previous solution.

Firstly, it is now possible not only to file patent applications but also to issue supplementary certificates of protection (CPPs) with applications through eFiling - thus extending the range of procedures online.

Secondly, the new system no longer requires the installation of software and the use of smart cards, which were previously mandatory. Instead, convenient two-factor authentication (A2F) is introduced, allowing access to the service from any device - be it an office computer or a laptop on the road.

Third, it greatly simplifies remote working and mobile access, while enhancing information security.

The move to eFiling is not just a technical update, but part of a wider programme of digitalisation and harmonisation of intellectual property in the EU. In January 2025, Luxembourg extended its co-operation agreement with the OEB until 2028, with the aim of strengthening the quality of services, harmonising procedures and increasing the competitiveness of the patent system across the EU.

Other cooperation priorities include improving the Benelux Patent Platform and strengthening the role of national offices through a single patent interface.

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Authors: Alex