
Free Wi-Fi is now available on CFL trains and stations, but not for everyone

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CFL Люксембург

Philip Oroni, Unsplash

Thanks to a collaboration between the CFL railway company and the Restena Foundation, eduroam's Wi-Fi network is becoming available in CFL trains, buses and stations. This step strengthens the free internet infrastructure and provides students, researchers and employees of educational institutions with better access to resources.

Eduroam (Education Roaming) is a global secure Wi-Fi network specifically designed for educational and research institutions. It provides internet access to students, researchers and teachers in more than 100 countries and thousands of organisations around the world. You just need to connect to the network once at your educational organisation to automatically access the internet anywhere in the world where eduroam is available.

eduroam users in Luxembourg can now connect to the network without additional registration while travelling on CFL trains and buses, as well as at stations. This makes educational and scientific resources available 'on the go', which is especially important for students and scientists with active lifestyles.

The expansion of the eduroam network in Luxembourg's transport system is an important step towards creating a convenient and technologically advanced educational environment that supports international mobility.

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We took photos from these sources: Philip Oroni, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr