
Air navigation in Luxembourg: 2023 results

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Показатели Люксембургской авиации за 2023 год

Planet Volumes, Unsplash

The Luxembourg Air Navigation Authority (ANA) has summarised its 2023 results. The organisation highlighted significant achievements in infrastructure modernisation, safety improvements and digital transformation.

Key findings

  • Passenger traffic: 4.86 million (+18% by 2022, +10% by pre-pandemic 2019).
  • Freight: 794,884 tonnes (-18% to 2022, -6.9% to 2019).
  • Total number of flights: 92,862 (-0.5% by 2022).

After the pandemic downturn, passenger traffic has recovered and even surpassed 2019 figures, reaching 4.86 million - 18% more than in 2022. This indicates a return of travellers' confidence. However, freight traffic showed a downturn: volumes fell by 18%, which experts attribute to changes in global supply chains.

The total number of flights for the year was 92,862, down only 0.5% on the previous year. At the same time, international and commercial flights increased slightly, emphasising Luxembourg's growing role as an important hub for European aviation.

ANA has made significant investments in digital transformation. Key projects include the introduction of a data-driven air traffic management system (SWIM) and the transition to Voice over IP (VoIP) technology. The upgrade of the aerodrome lighting system (ALCMS) improved the efficiency of infrastructure management as part of the airport's modernisation project.

In addition, ANA has implemented new Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) procedures to optimise routes and reduce its carbon footprint. These initiatives confirm the organisation's commitment to remain at the forefront of technology.

2023 was a year of increasing safety standards. ANA successfully avoided major incidents (Class A) despite an increase in overall activity. An important step was the transformation of the security division into a full-fledged department, emphasising the strategic importance of this area.

However, it was not without its challenges: the number of violations in taxiing areas increased to four during the year. ANA is actively working to remedy these problems by implementing recommendations based on the results of internal audits.

ANA continues to develop green practices. In 2023, 64.6% of all approaches were made using Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) technology, reducing emissions and noise levels. Updating noise pollution maps also helped to better accommodate local communities.

In addition, ANA replaced some of the airfield lighting with energy-saving LED technology, reducing energy costs and improving environmental performance.

ANA's revenue from navigation fees increased by 20% to 22.9 million euros, due to the growth in passenger traffic and the stabilisation of the aviation market. Modernisation costs amounted to 16.6 million euros, a 10% increase on the previous year.

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