Increased readership by 500%: 2024 results for Luxtoday and how we did it
2024 in figures
In 2024, 1.9 million readers visited our website (+494% compared to 2023). The average time spent on the site is 2 minutes and 6 seconds, and the number of sessions is 2.2 million.
Our subscribers
And you'll be even more surprised when you find out that site visitors are exclusively organic traffic, and the growth in social networks we got for free, only thanks to quality content and social activity, without investing a single euro in promoting posts and videos.
Multilingual space: how we cut months of work down to minutes
Luxembourg speaks four languages - and so does Luxtoday now. In June, we launched the French version, and by July we added German. This allowed us to get closer to our readers and reduce language barriers.
What have we done
- Developed a one-click article translation function based on artificial intelligence integration.
- Reduced article publishing time to 5-10 minutes.
- We implemented a hybrid process: automatic translation from AI + final proofreading by professional proofreaders.
What did it do
No, this is still not generated content. We do not use mass-generated content, which could lead to errors, inaccuracies, and sometimes outright deception of readers. All of our content is created and vetted by live humans. Then they are uploaded to the admin, translated by artificial intelligence and corrected again by live humans. However, the introduction of automatic translation has reduced the time spent working on each piece of content by four times.
Content as a strategy: 764 new pieces and explosive audience growth
Publishing content in four languages has given us a major challenge to synchronise the language versions. And it's not just about translating new publications. We had to translate our services, such as the Tax Calculator. Just the other day we have Luxembourg public holidays calendar in German. German news has also been added. A new "events" section, automatically updated in all languages, is under development;
Three lessons we have learnt
- Analytics solves everything.
Publishing for the sake of publishing is like shooting in the dark. Every piece of content should lead you to a goal: a new user, organic traffic, first line in a search engine. No goal? No point in wasting resources.
- Quality is more important than quantity.
Chasing quantity kills the audience. We focused on producing one article a day - but translated into all languages, proofread by proofreaders and proofread to perfection. The result? The numbers didn't just stay the same, they started to grow. And costs fell by multiples.
- Technology is not an option, but a necessity.
In the media world, people forget about the technical side, hoping that a good text will pull everything out. We decided otherwise. We use AI every day: from translating articles to analysing data. But it's important that the technology be a tool, not dictate the rules of the game. We trained the team to use AI consciously, preserving the personality and soul of the content.
News in Luxembourg: how we won the trust of the audience
News is not just a flow of information, it is a channel of trust. It is thanks to news that our Telegram channels have grown to thousands of subscribers, and our connection to Google News has taken us beyond our cosy community.
We use artificial intelligence to monitor events from all reliable sources - from government websites to official pages of organisations. But the key point is that the choice of news is left to the editor. AI helps us find stories lightning fast, but it's up to us to decide what really matters to our readers. This gives us two advantages: speed of technology and humanity of presentation.
If you want to keep up to date with what's happening in Luxembourg, subscribe to our Google News feed. We make news easier to understand, and filter out all the blur.
What's our top priority
Over the course of this year, we have learnt to use AI not as a toy, but as a game-changing tool. We believe that content should inspire and help. In 2024, we didn't just grow our audience, we built our readers' trust by providing useful and quality content in four languages.
Thank you for reading us. May 2025 bring you more success than you can imagine. What are some of the things you remember about 2024?
Happy New Year! Luxtoday team
Bonus: the top articles of 2024 according to our readers
- Professions in-demand in Luxembourg (1513 likes)