
Collaboration with Moovijobs. Luxtoday company blog

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The onset of autumn has proven resourceful for the Luxtoday team. Our insider's roundup will tell you all about it.

Firstly, we successfully partnered with, the organizers behind Unicareer — Luxembourg's largest job fair happening today.

In alignment with the event, we've not only crafted multiple news articles for our audience but also developed interactive content, such as colorful cards and stories. With their help, we have also updated our article on student employment in Luxembourg. We're thrilled to announce that Luxtoday is now listed as one of the event's esteemed partners.

We decided to support the exhibition because we believe that such events are important for the development of the country. This is one of the best opportunities for final-year students and graduates to start their dream careers, and we are happy to be part of this wonderful event.

But that's not all of our fall accomplishments. Coming very soon is our Political guide for the upcoming General Elections in Luxembourg. On October 8, Deputies for the Chamber will be elected.

Democracy thrives on accurate information. That is why our political guide serves as a gateway for those who want to truly understand the governmental structure and electoral process in Luxembourg. Luxtoday aims to be an active part of the community, its events, and future prospects.

Luxtoday team is open to collaborations, make sure to drop a line or two here —

Last time updated

Authors: Kadriia