
Europe unites health data: Luxembourg prepares for the launch of the new digital space EEDS

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Doctor in Luxembourg

Source: Artur Tumasjan, Unsplash

Health and Social Protection Minister Martine Deprez and Minister for Digitalisation and Research Stéphanie Obertin have announced the entry into force of the European Health Data Space (EEDS) regulation, a groundbreaking initiative that will fundamentally change the way health information is stored and used in the EU.

The new system will allow any EU citizen to have instant and free digital access to their medical data in any country of the Union. Electronic prescriptions, medical records, test history and diagnoses will be available even when on holiday or when moving - just as easily as in their health centre in their home country.

Users will retain full control over their data: they will be able to restrict access, track who has used it and when, and edit permissions. All data will remain protected by medical confidentiality and EU security standards.

For doctors, this means safer and more efficient treatment: a doctor in Spain or Austria will be able to see a patient's history from Luxembourg if urgent care is needed. This approach minimises the risks of errors and duplication of procedures.

In addition, scientists and researchers will have access to aggregated and anonymised health data across the EU - which, according to Obertin, will catalyse medical innovation and scientific breakthroughs. This is particularly important for Luxembourg as it seeks to develop the field of biomedicine and digital health.

So far, the regulation has been adopted, but its practical implementation will start in 2029, after a series of preparatory stages. In Luxembourg, the development of new laws, technical tools and training for all actors in the healthcare system has already begun. As Depres emphasises, "Data security is about patient trust, and trust is the foundation of the system."

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We took photos from these sources: Artur Tumasjan, Unsplash

Authors: Alex