Food waste in the crosshairs: Luxembourg teaches children and adults to consume responsibly

Jas Min, Unsplash
According to the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture, Wine and Rural Development, more than half of all food waste - 53 per cent - comes from ordinary households. That's why a new wave of food waste campaign has been launched since Monday, as part of a strategy launched back in 2016.
One of the key innovations is an interactive online quiz. It teaches users how to distinguish between expiry dates and minimum shelf life, explains how waste affects CO₂ emissions and helps them make sense of the chain of waste from kitchen to landfill. It is an easy way to rethink your own consumption habits.
Together with the IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability) platform, the Ministry has developed a special pedagogical kit for educators in maisons relais - after-school care centres and children's education centres. The kit is designed for children from 4 to 12 years of age and includes play activities, educational materials, booklets for parents and a training manual for teachers. It aims to develop children's ecological thinking and understanding of the benefits of local and organic food.
Agriculture Minister Martine Hansen emphasises: "We want a respectful attitude to food to be formed from an early age - it is the basis for a sustainable lifestyle."