Luxembourg has 82 applications for a "Climate Bonus" for forests in 2024

Sebastian Unrau, Unsplash
Environment, Climate and Biodiversity Minister Serge Wilmes has provided a progress report on the Climate Bonus programme for forests, responding to a parliamentary question from Jeff Engelen MP.
The programme aims to support private forest owners who carefully manage their plots and contribute to biodiversity conservation. The number of applications has decreased markedly in recent years. While in 2021 there were 299, in 2022 there were 115 and in 2023 there were 105. In 2024, 82 applications were received, of which 46 were favourably decided, 1 was rejected and 35 are still pending.
The subsidies are granted for 10 years, paid in annual instalments and depend on the forest area. EUR 7.89 million is allocated for 2021, EUR 1.51 million for 2022 and EUR 1.13 million for 2023. The amount for 2024 has not yet been determined.
The main reasons for refusal include the area being too small (less than 0.5 ha), the presence of coniferous trees or the use of the site as meadow or arable land.
From the beginning of 2023, forest owners can use the digital subsidy simulator on the Klima-Agence platform, which brings together 55 types of state and municipal financial support. In 2024, users made 137,422 requests through this tool. The simulator has greatly simplified the application process and is now actively used in municipalities, advisory centres and banks.
The Ministry continues to actively promote the Climate Bonus programme, especially through municipal initiatives and conservation agencies.