Not a single water body in Luxembourg has achieved a good ecological status

Wesley Tingey, Unsplash
According to the third water management plan for 2021-2027, no Luxembourg water bodies met good ecological or chemical status by 2021. Among the key pollutants identified are phosphates, nitrates and ammonium, which affect the ecological state, as well as mercury, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and fluoranthene, which upset the chemical balance. These substances are found both in water and in living organisms.
Despite the measures already implemented, their effect is not immediately apparent. The state emphasises the need to continue implementing the planned measures, including improvement of treatment facilities and reduction of pollution levels.
Luxembourg actively cooperates with neighbouring countries through international commissions for the protection of rivers such as the Rhine and Moselle. Membership of the UN Water Convention obliges the country to take measures to prevent transboundary pollution. As part of these initiatives, rapid response plans for pollution incidents have been set up, which ensure the exchange of information between states.
However, the issues of water pollution by narcotic substances remain outside the scope of control of current European directives. Individual studies, such as the Score project, provide data on their content, but this direction requires additional efforts.
Improving the quality of water resources is a long-term process that requires coordination at the national and international levels. Luxembourg continues to implement measures to protect water bodies and enhance their environmental sustainability.