The shortage of health workers in Luxembourg will worsen by 2026

Ahmed, Unsplash
Health and Social Protection Minister Martine Deprez and the Minister for Family, Integration and Reception discussed the shortage of qualified staff in the health and social care sector. According to a 2024 COPAS (Confédération des prestataires d'aides et de soins) study, a shortage of more than 150 full-time jobs is expected by 2026, of which 100 positions are related to nurses and care assistants. By 2033, this figure could rise to 149 full-time equivalents.
To solve the problem, the government is planning the following steps:
- Adaptation of legislation: changes to the law of 26 March 1992 governing the rehabilitation of health professions. This will update the missions and competences of the professionals.
- Re-qualification and flexibility: creating conditions for transition between occupations through additional educational programmes.
The aim of these measures is to make professions more attractive, especially for young professionals, and to provide career opportunities within the sector.
The initiatives developed will help to reduce the impact of staff shortages and create a more sustainable health and social care system. It is important that all changes are accompanied by support from both governmental structures and employers.
Luxembourg continues to look for solutions to adapt the healthcare system to the challenges of an ageing population.