Tax changes in Luxembourg in 2025: new regulations and laws
Each year brings its novelties and taxation is not far behind with several tax updates in Luxembourg for 2025 that affect companies and individuals. Although these are generally positive, it is good to avoid surprises, so read on, and you will be aware of some of the most important ones.
Although there have been many changes, one worth highlighting and not overlooking is the reduction of corporation tax to 16%, which positions Luxembourg as a more competitive business destination.
Luxembourg tax updates in 2025
On December 11, 2024, the Luxembourg Parliament voted on a series of bills that introduced important tax changes in Luxembourg aimed at supporting businesses and individuals. Below we will look at some of the most important ones:
Income tax
From 2025, personal income tax in Luxembourg will undergo a slight change. The personal income tax brackets will be adjusted to compensate for inflation, resulting in the following:
From EUR | To EUR | Tax rate (%) | Employment fund surcharge (%) | Effective tax rate (%) |
0 | 13,230 | 0 | 7 | 0.00 |
13,230 | 15,435 | 8 | 7 | 8.56 |
15,435 | 17,640 | 9 | 7 | 9.63 |
17,640 | 19,845 | 10 | 7 | 10.70 |
19,845 | 22,050 | 11 | 7 | 11.77 |
22,050 | 24,255 | 12 | 7 | 12.84 |
24,255 | 26,550 | 14 | 7 | 14.98 |
26,550 | 28,845 | 16 | 7 | 17.12 |
28,845 | 31,140 | 18 | 7 | 19.26 |
31,140 | 33,435 | 20 | 7 | 21.40 |
33,435 | 35,730 | 22 | 7 | 23.54 |
35,730 | 38,025 | 24 | 7 | 25.68 |
38,025 | 40,320 | 26 | 7 | 27.82 |
40,320 | 42,615 | 28 | 7 | 29.96 |
42,615 | 44,910 | 30 | 7 | 32.10 |
44,910 | 47,205 | 32 | 7 | 34.24 |
47,205 | 49,500 | 34 | 7 | 36.38 |
49,500 | 51,795 | 36 | 7 | 38.52 |
51,795 | 54,090 | 38 | 7 | 40.66 |
54,090 | 117,450 | 39 | 7 | 41.73 |
117,450 | 176,160 | 40 | 7 | 42.80 |
176,160 | 234,870 | 41 | 9 | 44.69 |
Over 234,870 | 42 | 9 | 45.78 |
New rates effective from tax year 2025.
Modernization of the regime for impatriates
To make Luxembourg more attractive to talent and highly specialized profiles, the government carried out a complete review of the tax regime for impatriates. The various current tax benefits such as removal expenses, housing expenses, and the impatriation bonus were abolished and replaced by a flat-rate exemption of 50% of gross annual remuneration. This excludes partially or fully exempt payments such as participation bonuses or interest subsidies, as well as benefits in kind. This exemption would apply up to a maximum limit of 400,000 euros of gross annual remuneration.
The new regime applicable as of January 1, 2025
New bonus for young employees
Within the new tax rules in Luxembourg, employers now can grant an annual bonus of between 2,500 and 5,000 euros, depending on the gross remuneration, to young employees with a 75% tax exemption. This is provided that certain conditions are met. The employee must be under 30 years of age on January 1 of the corresponding tax year, be on their first permanent contract (CDI) in Luxembourg and earn less than 100,000 euros gross per year.
Applicable as of January 1, 2025
Boost to the profit-sharing plan
Another of the tax changes in 2025 in Luxembourg refers to the profit-sharing plan existing in Luxembourg. This plan was introduced in 2021 and allows companies to grant bonuses to their employees with a 50% tax exemption on the amount received for employees with full deductibility for companies. From 2025, the limits of the scheme have been extended to make it more attractive:
- The maximum percentage of annual profits that a company can allocate to these bonuses increases from 5% to 7.5%.\
- The individual limit of the exempt bonus goes from 25% to 30% of the employee's gross annual salary (excluding other benefits).
Applicable as of January 1, 2025
Introduction of a tax credit for cross-border employees’ overtime
An overtime tax credit has been introduced for cross-border workers. This tax credit has been designed to compensate for the loss of income that these employees may suffer due to double taxation in their country of residence, given that although overtime is tax-exempt in Luxembourg, some countries have started to tax it. The tax credit is applied according to the annual gross income from overtime:
- Overtime income less than 1,200 euros: no credit is granted
- Income between 1,200 and 4,000 euros: the credit is equivalent to 25% of the excess over 1,200 euros.
- Income over 4,000 euros: the maximum credit is 700 euros per year.
This benefit is available to workers residing in countries that have a double taxation treaty with Luxembourg and can be applied for using an annual declaration or tax adjustment.
The measure has retroactive application from January 1, 2024
Reduction in the corporate income tax rate (CIT)
Corporate tax in Luxembourg was also modified. From 2025 the tax rate will be reduced by one percentage point to 14% for companies with a tax base of less than 175,000 euros and 16% for those with a tax base of more than 200,000 euros. Between these two income levels, there is a smoothing mechanism.
A company resident in Luxembourg will be subject to a maximum aggregate tax rate (including corporate tax, municipal business tax and the contribution to the employment fund) of 23.87% (in the city of Luxembourg in 2025) instead of 24.94% (in the city of Luxembourg in 2024).
New rate effective from tax year 2025
Simplified Minimum Net Wealth Tax (MNWT)
From the 2025 tax year, the calculation of the MNWT is simplified and now only considers the total value of the balance sheet, eliminating the need to account for the proportion of financial assets. The tax is structured in levels:
- 535 euros for balance sheets ≤ 350,000 euros.
- 1,605 euros for balance sheets between 350,000 euros and 2 million euros.
- 4,815 euros for balance sheets > 2 million euros.
Tax effective from tax year 2025
Optional exemption in the participation regime
From 2025, Luxembourg companies will have the option of waiving the benefit of the participation exemption on dividends, liquidation proceeds, and capital gains, as well as the 50% tax exemption on dividend income. This option must be requested for each tax year and each shareholding.
However, this option is only available when the Luxembourg participation exemption regime would have applied under the acquisition price criterion, that is, 1.2 million euros for dividends and liquidation proceeds and 6 million euros for capital gains. This possibility of exclusion cannot be exercised, then, when the taxpayer would have benefited from the participation exemption regime solely under the application of the 10% participation threshold criterion. In addition, the waiver must be exercised for each tax year and each shareholding.
This change aims to align Luxembourg's participation exemption regimes with those existing in other Member States of the European Union. In addition, the proposed amendment gives companies greater flexibility to use accumulated tax losses.
The regime is applicable as of January 1, 2025
Tax exemption for actively managed ETFs
From 2025, the subscription tax exemption will be extended to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that qualify as UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) and are actively managed.
New tax applicable as of January 1, 2025
Update of the SPF regime
Additional modifications have been introduced for private wealth management companies (SPF). The minimum annual subscription tax has been increased from 100 to 1000 euros and stricter control measures have been introduced. The tax authorities can now impose administrative fines of up to 250,000 euros in case of non-compliance with legal obligations.
Furthermore, the SPF tax regime may be withdrawn in the event of non-compliance with applicable legal, regulatory or statutory provisions that are of a certain severity and persistent non-compliance for a specific period. This follows a compliance request issued by the director of the Registration Duties, Estates, and VAT Authority.
The regime is applicable as of January 1, 2025
Summary of the main changes
The following table provides a broader overview, summarizing the different changes that will take place this year.
Tax measure | Before 2025 | The situation as of 2025 |
Income Tax. | Personal income tax brackets are unchanged; exemptions for low-income earners are limited. | Adjusted brackets reduce the tax burden. |
Modernization of the Impatriate Regime | Tax exemption for specific relocation costs and impatriation bonuses, with complex requirements. | Simplified 50% tax exemption on gross annual remuneration up to €400,000, valid for up to 8 years. |
New Bonus for Young Employees | No specific tax incentives for young employees starting their careers. | 75% tax exemption on bonuses (€2,500–€5,000) for employees under 30 in their first open-ended contract. |
Tax Credit for Cross-Border Overtime | No specific tax credit for cross-border workers’ overtime income. | A new credit of up to €700 annually compensates cross-border workers taxed on overtime in their home country. |
Reduction in the CIT Rate | The corporate income tax rate at 17%, with an aggregate rate of 24.94% in Luxembourg City. | CIT reduced to 16%, lowering the aggregate rate to 23.87% in Luxembourg City. |
Simplified MNWT | Fixed minimum net wealth tax of €4,815 for most companies. | Progressive MNWT: €535 (≤€350,000 balance sheet), €1,605 (€350,001–€2M), €4,815 (>€2M). |
Optional Exemption in Participation Regime | Automatic application of participation exemption on dividends and capital gains if conditions are met. | Option to waive participation exemption annually for participations meeting acquisition cost thresholds (€1.2M/€6M). |
Tax Exemption for Actively Managed ETFs | Subscription tax exemption applies only to passively managed ETFs qualifying as UCITS. | Subscription tax exemption extended to actively managed ETFs qualifying as UCITS. |
Update of the SPF Regime | Minimum subscription tax set at €100; limited compliance measures in place. | Minimum subscription tax increased to €1,000; stricter compliance rules and fines up to €250,000 were introduced. |
In general, the tax measures implemented in Luxembourg for 2025 have a positive impact on both individuals and companies. For individuals, the adjustments in income tax brackets allow taxation to be aligned with inflation, the new bonus for young employees encourages the hiring and retention of young talent, and the boost to the profit-sharing plan encourages employee motivation through financial incentives directly linked to business success. On the other hand, for companies, the reduction of corporation tax and the simplification of the Minimum Net Worth Tax reduce costs and increase competitiveness, while options such as the optional exemption in the participation regime offer greater fiscal flexibility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What changes have been made to the personal income tax brackets?
Are these tax reforms aligned with international standards and competitiveness goals?
How do these changes position Luxembourg in terms of global competitiveness?
Source: www.eversheds-sutherland.com, www.stibbe.com, insightplus.bakermckenzie.com, taxsummaries.pwc.com, gouvernement.lu, www.ogier.com, www.ashurst.com, impotsdirects.public.lu, www.ey.com
We took photos from these sources: Alexander Mils on Unsplash