
Dead birds in Zessingen cause concern for toxicologists

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Dead birds in Luxembourg

Chris Slupski, Unsplash

Since 5 February 2025, several dead wild birds have been found in Cessingen, including rooks (Corvus frugilegus), crows (Corvus corone), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and ring-necked doves (Streptopelia decaocto). The Luxembourg Nature Authority sent the samples to the Laboratoire vétérinaire et alimentaire (LVA) for toxicological examination.

The results of laboratory tests showed high concentrations of a rodenticide used to kill rodents. However, in the EU, this chemical is only authorised for indoor use and its improper use outdoors can lead to poisoning of wild and domestic animals.

The authorities warn that failure to comply with the rules of rodenticide use can lead to mass animal deaths and serious environmental consequences. Residents of the Cessingen district and the surrounding area are asked to walk their pets with caution, as they may become victims of secondary poisoning by eating contaminated carrion.

If you find dead wild animals in or near Cessingen Park, the authorities ask you to report it immediately to a ranger at 621202196 or 621202110. If you find sick or unusually behaving wild animals, contact the wildlife station in Düdelingen at 26513990.

In case of suspected poisoning in humans or pets, contact a doctor or veterinarian immediately. There is a toxicological hotline in Luxembourg: 8002-5500.

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We took photos from these sources: Chris Slupski, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr