

Welcome to our editorial blog dedicated to life in the heart of Europe. Think of this section as your personal library, filled with easy-to-follow how-tos and deep dives into all sorts of topics that are important if you are planning to live in the country or are already living here. We cover the essentials of daily life, employment and business, family needs, as well as share a few fun facts and exciting opportunities in Luxembourg that you may not be aware of yet.

Studying languages

Studying languages


Best ways to learn Luxembourgish at courses in schools and language centers and more

The Luxembourgish language is useful to communicate with the locals, to integrate into the environment and of course to brag to your friends that you know this unique language. It is also a must if you have any hopes of citizenship!



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How to find an internship in Luxembourg

Work placements are an essential part of university education. It's very important to think carefully about where you do them, because these experiences must be in line with your professional interests. If this is your first time looking for an internship, read this article.

Banking and finance

Banking and finance

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Luxembourg currency then and now

Before the introduction of the Euro, Luxembourg had many currencies in circulation. From ancient coins such as the ducaton and the patagon to more recent coins such as the germinal franc and the Luxembourg franc, each currency tells a part of the Grand Duchy's history.

Transport and driving

Transport and driving

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Car registration plates in Luxembourg

Before you can drive a car on Luxembourg's roads, or even before you can officially register it, you’ll need to obtain a registration number and a license plate. If the thought of navigating through paperwork, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.



Luxembourg vs. UK: two countries with high salaries and living standards

Today's contest: Luxembourg vs. the UK. Which country is better?Where are there more jobs? If you're thinking of living in either of these countries, you probably have questions. That's why we're here. This article compares Luxembourg and the UK to answer these questions.

Employment and jobs

Employment and jobs


Cross border workers in Luxembourg

Working in Luxembourg while living in France, Belgium, or Germany has become a popular lifestyle choice for many residents of these neighbouring countries. This arrangement allows them to benefit from the higher wages offered in Luxembourg while enjoying the relatively lower cost of living, especially in terms of housing, in their home countries. In this article, we will look at the unique dynamics of cross-border work and its implications.



Most prestigious and best universities in Europe

When planning your future, one of the most important things to consider is where you’re going to study. In this regard, Europe offers a wealth of opportunities. The continent is home to many of the world's most prestigious institutions, known for their academic excellence, diverse programs, and rich cultural experiences. We'll take a closer look at some of the best universities in Europe, exploring what makes them stand out and why they continue to attract students from all over the globe.

Food and restaurants

Food and restaurants

Best bakeries in Luxembourg: where to find and what to try

There's nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air as you approach a bakery. It immediately awakens your appetite and sets the stage for a delightful culinary experience. To ensure your breakfasts are always complete, we've prepared a guide to some of the best bakeries and pastry shops in Luxembourg, including options for vegans.



Immigration to Luxembourg from Canada

Are you thinking about moving to Luxembourg from Canada? You might have questions about visas, the Canadian community, cost of living, and more. By the end, you'll know what to expect and how to make your transition to Luxembourg as smooth as possible.

Hobby and rest

Hobby and rest

Motorhome and camping vans campsites in Luxembourg

Who said you need to book a hotel to travel in comfort? That's what motorhomes are for! However, if you own a motorhome or camping van, you know that finding a proper place to park for the night is essential, and not just any spot will do. Before you start stressing about where to stay, take a moment to read our guide where we explore some of the best motorhome campsites in Luxembourg.