Studying languages

Ways to learn Luxembourgish: language courses, schools, language centers

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LevelOne of the official languages of the Grand Duchy is Luxembourgish. It is spoken by around 400,000 people worldwide, mostly in Luxembourg, but also in neighboring Belgium, France and Germany. The language is considered to be rooted in the West German language, so it is closely related to German and French. Luxembourg language received its official status, i.e. state language status in 1984.

Where and how to learn Luxembourgish

Studying Luxembourgish can be a challenge due to its complexity. However, there are several ways to improve your language skills when it comes to national languages.

Immerse in a language environment

Complete immersion means listening to Luxembourg music, radio and podcasts, watching Luxembourg TV shows and films, and definitely practicing speaking with native speakers.

There are a huge number of open-access resources available for that purpose.

Videos on YouTube
Audio lessons on the Internet
Speaking practice in Language Clubs
Listen and watch audio and video content: radio, podcasts, TV shows and films

Take a language course: in groups, privately or online

An effective way to learn Luxembourgish, especially if you prefer a structured and systematic approach, is to take classes. There are enough language schools in Luxembourg that offer courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers.

Group classes

This is a very common option and has the advantage of allowing you to practice your speaking skills and listen to the language with other learners at a similar level. These classes often offer a more dynamic and interactive learning experience than private classes and you can participate in group discussions, role-plays, and other activities that help to reinforce your language skills and provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning. They are also a good option because they are generally more affordable than private classes.

Private classes

If you want to learn Luxembourgish from the comfort of your home you can take this option, many language schools in Luxembourg offer online, or private face-to-face classes. Besides the time and mobility advantages, this option also has the benefit of letting you choose a particular focus on a section of the language that you might need for future work and gives you the whole attention of the teacher.

It’s not difficult to find language courses in Luxembourg as they are offered by many schools, here we will mention a few of them. Some have only one modality, for example, group classes only or online classes only while others offer different modalities, we will give you the main characteristics of their offering but should go to their websites or contact them directly to get more details and specific information.

National Institute for Language Studies

website INL
website INL

Institute Nationale des Langues (INL) offers language courses for adults, in Luxembourgish and they focus on presential group classes. The efficiency of the courses is confirmed by national certificates. Applicants for Luxembourg citizenship pass a compulsory language test in INL.

The INL bases its teaching, learning and assessment principles on the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe. This classification system comprises six levels, ranging from A1 for absolute beginners to C2 for a native speaker.

There is an option to study at INL language courses at a reduced fee with a discount voucher provided by the state. The price for official state language courses (and sometimes English), in this case, will be only 10 euros per person. The special conditions are available for:

  • Unemployed people registered with ADEM and provided with benefits and an invitation.
  • People in need, recognized by the National Reception Office.
  • People with a minimal income, supported by the National Social Work Service.
  • Secondary school pupils, if they have a recommendation letter from the principal.

You can enroll in courses at the National Institute of Languages (INL) and take the Luxembourgish exam at the Institute address.

21 Boulevard de la Foire 1528 Luxembourg
+352 26 44 30 1

As our readers have said, the Luxembourgish language at the INL is taught very well, but English, for example, is not. However, you do come out of the courses with good knowledge of the national language and surely prepared to take Sprochentest.


website Berlitz
website Berlitz

This private school is a well-known education facility for adults and children to study language in Luxembourg. It has multiple branches all over the world. Berlitz offers individual and group classes in Luxemburgish and other languages.

The basis of teaching here is the Berlitz method: learning a language with a total immersion effect, all lessons and explanations are held in Luxembourgish, with symbols and gestures being used for you to understand the teacher.

Group classes cost 989 euros and consist of blocks of 2h two times per week for 10 weeks. You must register in advance and we recommend you check the Berlitz page for group classes to be aware of the next registration dates. For the private and semi-private classes, you need to contact them to get prices and detailed information.

89-93, Grand-Rue, 1661 Luxembourg
+352 26 38 3248


website Inlingua
website Inlingua

Inlingua school has a long history of providing language education, with over 50 years of experience in language teaching and 30 years of presence in Luxembourg. This experience is reflected in their courses' quality and their teaching methods' effectiveness.

Inlingua Luxembourg offers a flexible approach to language learning, they provide individual and group courses, which can be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Inlingua's courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced language instructors who are native speakers of the language they teach. This ensures that learners receive instruction from experts who can provide insight into the nuances of the language and culture of Luxembourg.

The following tables show their options for individual and group classes, to get information about the prices you need to contact Inlingua directly.

Group courses
Duo courseOpen mini groupClosed group
Group size2 people2 to 4 peopleCustomized
LevelAny levelA1.1 to A2.2Any level
DurationCustomized10h or 20hCustomized
FrequencyCustomized2 x 75 min. per weekCustomized
TimingCustomizedDepends on the starting levelCustomized
LocationOn site or at homeOn siteOn site or at home
Individual coursesIndividual intensive course
LevelsAny levelAny level
DurationCustomized1 week
FrequencyCustomizedMonday to Friday
TimingCustomized15.0h plan: 9:00-1200 27.5h plan: 9:00-12:00 and 13:00 – 15:30 25.0h plan: 9:00-12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00
LocationOn site or at homeOn site or at home


5, rue de Hesperange 1731 Luxembourg
+352 40 3547

Learn Luxembourgish

website Learn Luxembourgish
website Learn Luxembourgish

While some schools teach different languages, Learn Luxembourgish specializes in Luxembourgish and offers exclusively online courses. This allows you to study from anywhere in the world, at any time that suits you.

Learn Luxembourgish uses innovative teaching methods, which combine interactive exercises, video lessons, and multimedia resources to make the learning process engaging and fun.

The school offers small group and private one-on-one Skype courses, which are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each learner. The courses are designed to help learners progress at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most improvement.


website Prolingua
website Prolingua

Prolingua Luxembourg is a language school that specializes in teaching Luxembourgish, as well as other languages such as French, English, and German. The only EAQUALS-accredited school In Luxembourg. The school provides expert instruction, small class sizes, and a comprehensive language program to help you achieve proficiency in the language.

Prolingua also offers specialized courses for professionals, which can be very helpful if you need to improve your language skills for a specific work environment.

The cost of their term or intensive classes is 725 euros and you can find the characteristics of each modality in the following table. For the business classes and tailor-made courses, you can check all the details on the Prolingua site and you need to contact them directly to get information on prices.

Term (11 weeks)Intensive (3 weeks)
Period22 sessions of 75 minutes12 sessions of 125 minutes
Frequency2 sessions per week4 sessions per week
Timing12:20 p.m. to 1:35 p.m. 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.Monday to Thursday, 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
45a, Avenue Monterey, 2163 Luxembourg
+352 40 39 910

SpeakUp Services en Langues

website SpeakUp
website SpeakUp

They offer personalized language courses in Luxembourgish, French, English, German, and other languages.

The school provides tailored courses that are designed to meet the specific needs and goals of each learner and they offer a range of courses in different categories including Luxembourgish for general purposes, for business, legal and medical environments.

You can find the main characteristics of their offer in the following table and you can check the SekapUp website to get more details about their offering. To get information about prices you should contact them directly.

Group size1 – 71 – 71 - 101 - 10
LevelsA 1.1 to B 2.2A 1.1 to B 2.2A 1.1 to C 2A 1.1 to C 2
Duration22 hours22 hours22 hours22 hours
TimingOn your premises (single learners may choose Skype or WhatsApp)On your premises (single learners may choose Skype or WhatsApp)On your premises (single learners may choose Skype or WhatsApp)On your premises (single learners may choose Skype or WhatsApp)
15, rue Astrid, 1143 Luxembourg-Merl

Etic Lëtzebuergesch Academy

website Etic Lëtzebuergesch Academy
website Etic Lëtzebuergesch Academy

The approach taken by ETIC Academy only provides private tailor-made classes and distinguishes it from other language schools by emphasizing a strong teacher-student relationship built on trust and support. They also prioritize practical exercises and repetition to reinforce learning and use regular short tests to evaluate the extent to which students have assimilated the material covered in each session.

To get more details about their offering and information on prices you should visit the Etic website or contact them directly.

12 Rue de Bastogne, 1217 Luxembourg
+352 661 137 633


In the following map, you have a recapitulation of the location of the different language schools we have reviewed.


Online services to study language

In addition to numerous offline courses, it is possible to learn Luxembourgish online. Resources such as uTalk can help. In September 2022, INL launched a free digital platform for distance language learning as well.

Tutor language lessons in Luxembourg

With the Superprof platform in Luxembourg, you can hire a tutor. It is a simple but costly option for those who are not comfortable with private schools and conversation clubs. There is a big choice of tutors on the platforms, prices start at around 30 euros per hour and can be as high as 80 euros per hour, depending on your level, specific areas of study, and many other criteria.

A lot of tutors offer the first lesson as a gift, for you to try and get to know them and the Luxembourgish language, as well as talk over the priorities and goals of your study. You never know until you try!

Use language-learning apps

Non-intrusive assistants to help you improve your Luxembourg basic language skills. The applications often use game-based techniques to make learning fun. This makes them suitable for children as well as adults.

Like other languages, Luxembourgish can be acquired while playing. There are two special educational games for smartphones, Battaklang and Aurelux, through which you can learn, among other things, the language spoken in the Grand Duchy.

Why learn Luxembourgish


If you live or work in Luxembourg, learning Luxembourgish can help you to integrate into the local community, make friends, and communicate more effectively with your colleagues and neighbors. Although most people speak other languages such as English, French, or German, on many occasions you may come across conversations where everyone else is speaking Luxemburgish or you may find yourself in social events presented mainly in Luxemburgish.


Even though there are three official languages, it is impossible to get Luxembourg citizenship without knowing the Luxembourgish language. An important factor to consider when choosing the method of study. To get citizenship, you need to pass the Sproochentest, this is an exam that consists of two parts: a speaking part and a listening part, taking place over two days. For the spoken test, the level required is A2 i.e., a level where you can hold a simple conversation on everyday topics and for the listening test you will need the B1 level.


To be employed as a civil servant, e.g. as a teacher, educator, firefighter, etc., knowledge of Luxembourgish is required along with French and German. If you are looking to pursue a career in politics, you will need to know the official languages of the Grand Duchy on a decent level as well, that includes Luxembourgish. If you want to find a job in another type of sector other than the two previously mentioned, you will find that Luxembourgish is not always a strict requirement but being able to speak it can certainly be an advantage in the job market. Many job listings in Luxembourg specify that proficiency in Luxembourgish is appreciated and sometimes mandatory.

What other languages do you need to know in Luxembourg

In addition to learning Luxembourgish, it can be helpful to also study the other official languages, German and French. One of these languages might be valuable to understand the people of Luxembourg and to integrate yourself into the cultural environment more.

Studying other languages will help you communicate better with people from different backgrounds and improve your job prospects and your understanding of the local realities.

For example:

  • The media are produced mainly in French and German since Luxembourgish was not officially recognized as a state language until 1984. By that time, German and French were already the national languages. Therefore, traditionally, newspapers and magazines are published in German or French.
  • In the street, you can see signs both in French, German, and Luxemburgish, all three official languages of the Grand Duchy.
  • French and Luxembourgish are usually used in health and social services.
  • In retail and catering, French is the dominant language to use.

French Language

If we take the prospect of citizenship out of the equation, it is primarily worth learning French.

Many documents in Luxembourg are in French, it is spoken by doctors and sales assistants in stores, as well as used in everyday life.

Of course, the administrations and town halls will speak Luxembourgish if you do. However, French is the language of everyday communication.

Since the working population consists mainly of permanent foreign residents as well as visiting French, Belgians, and Germans, who cross the Luxembourg border daily for work, the main means of communication is French, followed by Luxembourgish, German, English and Portuguese.

German Language

About 35% of Luxembourgers speaks German, a widely spoken language in the country, both because of its neighboring location and the historical legacy of the Grand Duchy. Overall, the number of people speaking or understanding German in the whole country reaches 78%!

The good news is that you still can learn German at the schools that we mentioned before: INL, Berlitz, and Inlingua provide German classes of different levels.

English Language

It is not an official language, but almost every Luxembourgian speaks English. The reason is that it is usually included in the school curriculum as the first foreign language to learn. This language will be the best if you plan to do business in Luxembourg because most of the people in the sphere use English at events, conferences, and other occasions.

The official language of business communication in Luxembourg — is English. It makes the Grand Duchy accessible to international companies.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the benefits of learning Luxembourgish

Is it necessary to attend a language school or can it be self-taught

What are the differences between group classes and private classes

Are there online resources or apps available for learning Luxembourgish

Send feedback

We took photos from these sources: Annika Gordon for Unsplash, website INL website Berlitz website Inlingua website Learn Luxembourgish website Prolingua website SpeakUp website Etic Lëtzebuergesch Academy Luxtoday

Authors: Daria
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