
Employment in the cultural sector is growing in Luxembourg

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Employment in the cultural sector is growing in Luxembourg

Luxembourg has one of the highest growth rates in cultural employment in the European Union. At the end of 2022, the indexes of the Grand Duchy were +14.5%. Only Cyprus is higher, with an increase of 21.5%.

In total, 19 out of 27 countries showed growth. As a result, the number of people employed in the sector increased from 7.4 million in 2021 to 7.7 million in 2022.

It is worth noting that Luxembourg is one of the fastest growing regions, not only last year but for the whole period since 2019. At more than 25%, the spread between the figures is quite large. In 2019, the Grand Duchy experienced a decline in interest: at the end of the year, there were 15% fewer people working in the cultural sector than the year before. The more valuable and noticeable is the increase of the last period.

Luxembourg is also one of the countries where there are more women than men employed in the cultural sector. The difference between the two sexes is 13.3%.

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Source: Eurostat

We took photos from these sources: A painting on the wall, a portrait

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia