
Back to school. This time — no remote teaching

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Back to school. This time — no remote teaching

The school year in Luxembourg begins on September 15. Schools will accept all their students within the walls. This is a first since the start of the pandemic.

This year there is a high demand for English language schools. Or rather, for English-language education at all levels. This requires additional professionals’ involvement. The solution was found quickly: now, along with private schools, there are several public schools that offer either the International Baccalaureate (IB) or English at A1-A2 levels.

The problem is that the education system of the Grand Duchy remains inflexible and straightforward. That is, students still need to master three languages ​​(Luxembourgish, German and French) in order to successfully finish their education. This is confirmed by the results of a regular OECD survey. Also according to these, Luxembourg students perform below average in science, reading and mathematics.

Read more: Luxembourg schools: how does the school education system work

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Source: Delano

Authors: Danila