
Luxchat4Gov is gaining popularity

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YASA Design Studio, Unsplash

YASA Design Studio, Unsplash

In response to a parliamentary enquiry, the Luxembourg Minister of Digitalisation shared data on the current state and prospects of Luxchat4Gov, a dedicated communication app for civil servants. To date, the application has been downloaded more than 14,000 times via Google Play, Apple App Store and CTIE Software Centre, with an active user base of around 1,000 people daily.

The programme is actively expanding its audience reach. While it was initially focused on central government bodies, access to Luxchat4Gov has now been granted to the education sector and local municipalities. However, promotion and communication within each of these sectors remains the responsibility of the respective authorities.

The project pays special attention to security. Luxchat4Gov uses decentralised servers for data storage, which belong to various providers, including LU-CIX GIE. All messages and files are encrypted and even the providers do not have access to them, which meets the requirements of the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation).

For the convenience of users, there is an option to get into the general catalogue of contacts, but this is done only on request, guaranteeing confidentiality.

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Source: Chamber of Deputies

We took photos from these sources: YASA Design Studio на Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr