Luxembourg Consumer Center returns nearly 1 million euros to residents

Фото: Sam Moghadam Khamseh, Unsplash
In 2023, the Center broke two records at once: the number of consumers assisted and the number of funds paid out. Of course, the Consumer Center does not pay out the money itself — it helps to obtain compensation in certain cases.
In total, several thousand people applied for help last year, of which 4190 were able to resolve the dispute in their favor. Although this is a record, it is not much higher than in previous years: 4,110 in 2022 and 3,992 in 2021. The largest number of cases was related to the protection of the rights of passengers — 14% of appeals. Next came: purchase and rental of cars, mobile phones and appliances, and tourism. They represent 8%, 4% and 3% of all cases respectively.
In these 4,190 cases, a total of 779,500 euros was returned to consumers. This is already an impressive amount, much higher than in 2022: there were 568,100. But the year 2021 stands out because of the consequences of the quarantine - then the Center returned to the applicants 776 000 euros, which is almost equal to the current record.
The Luxembourg Consumer Center itself notes that one of the key roles in resolving the dispute played by companies themselves. According to the Center's representatives, companies are more willing to settle and prefer to resolve disputes in the pre-litigation phase, which is an indicator of effective consumer protection.