Luxembourg has the highest percentage of new cars in Europe

According to a new Eurostat study, 22% of cars in the Grand Duchy were new in 2020. Experts consider automobiles new if they were first purchased no more than two years before the data collection. France, Austria, Germany and Belgium followed Luxembourg in the top. In all these countries, new vehicles accounted for 16-17% of the total car pool.
The Grand Duchy also has the highest percentage of autos between two and five years old — 28%. Thus, half of the country’s inhabitants drive cars no older than five years. Cars older than 10 years constitute 24% of the country’s car pool. This is the lowest figure in Europe.
The auto industry has been hit hard by the pandemic. In order to keep people buying new automibiles, Luxembourg has offered residents additional bonuses: measures to dispose of an old car after buying a new one and cash subsidies.
The country is also developing electromobility: a third of all cars in the Grand Duchy run on electricity.