Luxembourg shops recall soufflé that could have gone bad while on the counters

Excellence Soufflé is not in fact excellent; it can be hazardous to your health. The packaging indicates storage temperature of up to +7 degrees. However, this brand of soufflé is shipped and stored frozen. Therefore, its minimum storage temperature should be -18°C. Because of this, the soufflé can go bad while still in the store. And re-freezing it will not help.
The error was brought to the attention of the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration. The order to withdraw soufflé from circulation was given out immediately. The parties that were stored in unsuitable conditions have the following numbers: 1247494; 1247380; 1247454; 1247458.1247464; 1247489; 1247330; 1247339; 1247378. Their expiration date is October 25, 2023. If you purchased one of these, do not eat it!