Luxembourgish language gaining popularity, online learning program to open in September

Luxembourgish is popular again. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 5 567 people studied it at the INL (Institut National des Langues). French learner numbers were only slightly higher, at 5 619.
For comparison, 10 years ago, 2 614 people were enrolled in Luxembourgish courses at INL.
The new online learning program opening at INL was recently introduced. The online platform for this program will start working on September 15th. A test will also be available on the institute’s website . It will check how well a student already knows Luxembourgish. With this platform, people outside of the country will be able to comprehensively learn the language.
5 681 people have already signed up for full-time education at INL this year. Learning basic Luxembourgish is the most popular gosl. 32% of students want to learn the A1 language level. A2 is interesting for 44% of students.
The reasons are different. Some need a language to integrate into the country more. Some study it as an important work tool. And sometimes foreign parents who relocated to Luxembourg just want to better understand their children — Luxembourgish is often taught in schools in the Grand Duchy.