
Riding the Rainbow: bring a Christmas to those in need

Last time updated
Благотворительная акция на Рождество в Люксембурге

Source: Rune Haugseng, Unsplash

We warmly invite our readers to join the Christmas Charity Event. This is your chance to spread joy to those in dire need.

If you have toys, sports equipment, or musical instruments that are still in good condition, consider donating them to the children of refugees and expatriates facing hardships.

To participate in the campaign, follow three simple steps:

  • Download the Riding the Rainbow app, available on both the App Store and Google Play.
  • Compile a list of items you would like to donate.
  • Upload your list to the app, enabling those in need to reach out to you.

As a token of appreciation and motivation, you'll earn points for your activities within the app. While the campaign primarily targets adults, it is a good idea to encourage children to join this 'goodness marathon' too, sharing warmth and joy with their peers from other countries.

The campaign is proudly supported by a host of organizations, including Co-Créateurs asbl, GaiaLux, Global Shapers Luxembourg City Hub, Microtarians, Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen asbl, Passa Parola asbl, Clean Something For Nothing, RYSE - Refugee Youth Support & Empowerment.

Embrace this wonderful opportunity to brighten the world around you on the eve of the Christmas holidays.

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Last time updated

We took photos from these sources: Rune Haugseng at Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia