
Tap water to be offered to Luxembourgers in restaurants

Last time updated
Tap water to be offered to Luxembourgers in restaurants

The left-wing political party Déi Lénk proposes to supplement the menu of all cafes and restaurants in the country with tap water. This is logical, given that carbonated and still water remains one of the most popular drinks among Luxembourgers (~50% of all drink orders in cafes and restaurants).

The party is not suggesting that bottled water be removed from the menu, but wants customers to have a choice.

The pilot project will involve 50 cafes and restaurants. They will serve tap water to visitors in easy-to-clean glassware.

You don’t have to take any additional steps to do this. Luxembourg is proud of its tap water — high quality and well purified. According to representatives of Déi Lénk, tap water can already be safely added to the menu of all cafes and restaurants.

In addition, the measure will help support the environment — this water is more easily renewable and sustainable.

However, the HoResCa sector has one condition. Each restaurant must decide for itself whether to add the new type of water for the menu. And if so, at what price.

Last time updated

Source: RTL

Authors: Danila

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