Tourists visit Luxembourg more, but still not as often as pre-Covid
In 2019 the Grand Duchy was visited by 1.16 million tourists. Next year that number was halved to about 656 thousand.
In 2021, the flow of travelers has increased again: approximately 853 thousand people came to visit the Grand Duchy. This is 30% more than in 2020. Of these, 90% are foreigners. The remaining 10% are Luxembourgers who traveled around the country.
Luxembourg is most popular with the residents of the neighboring countries. Approximately 151 000 tourists in 2021 came from Belgium, 128 000 from the Netherlands, 123 000 from Germany. Overall, the EU accounts for 81% of tourists in Luxembourg.
Despite the fact that Luxembourg is a small country, the popularity of tourism is not that important for the economy. In 2019, the tourism sector amounted to 1.3% of Luxembourg’s GDP, and in 2020 — to less than a percent. Unfortunately we don’t have data for 2021 right now.