
Trains between France and Luxembourg may be stopped until the weekend

Last time updated
Trains between France and Luxembourg may be stopped until the weekend

The trains are once again under threat due to the upcoming SNFC strike.

SNCF reported that on September 29, only a few trains between Metz and Luxembourg will actually run. They will depart from Thionville and Metz between 6:57 am and 9:24 am. There will be no train traffic during the day. It will start again closer to the evening rush hour, that is, around 16:00. The last train to Metz will leave at 17:46, the last train to Thionville at — 18:28.

SNCF also warns that the strike could also affect Friday, September 30. On these days the lines served by CFL will operate as usual.

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Last time updated

Source: RTL

Authors: Danila