
Trier employment agency will hold a series of lectures about work on September 22

Last time updated
Trier employment agency will hold a series of lectures about work on September 22

This is not the first time that experts from Trier have been holding training sessions focused on work, job searching and skill application.

This time they will talk about general trends in work and employment. Seminars start at 14:00 and will last until the evening. The following topics will be covered:

  • How to plan a career, how to approach this matter and who can help.
  • How to balance work and family without compromising both.
  • What digital skills are in demand in different professional fields and in the general labor market.
  • What is “lifelong learning” and is it necessary to think about advanced training today.
  • What career prospects do people with disabilities have.

Participation in such sessions is traditionally free. However, you need to register by email. You can do this on the agency’s official website.

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